I really feel sad for the people living there.
I really feel sad for the people living there.
Just going to mention Ascension, Betrayal at Haunted House (not sure of exact title), Pandemic, and Zombies! Stone Age and Cataan as well.
I'm not going to lie, I probably didn't spend enough time using it and I will try it again BUT I still felt it was more awkward than it should be for even a transition. I am still not a fan of the tiles but I agree that I usually have everything I use on my taskbar and since it was a clean install I never really went…
I will admit, I gave up pretty quickly when tiles are introduced in the desktop scenery but maybe you are right and I should just give it some time. I just feel like there should be something that I don't feel like needs time I guess. Or maybe I'm turning into what I feared...A needy whiny person...which may be…
I just can't believe you got used to it more than you are just suffering with it. To each their own. Maybe if I dabbled more in the settings or something I could change it for the better but I'd rather just have it be a desktop OS and not have tablet crap put on it. I especially don't like the hovering in the corners…
I'll just have to hold out and stay on Win 7 then. I'm usually quick to upgrade when it is worth it but I just can't get used to what is currently implemented with metro and desktop. It seems very easy to me to just be able to switch it off for desktop users yet there it is and it feels forced. Forced like making me…
I loved this film. I suffer from general anxiety and have suffered from depression and the two sisters cover those very well. When I am anxious, I can't stop worrying and it is always the end of the world and I am literally frazzled as everyone else around me is calm (or seemingly calm). When I was depressed, big…
Ill take the version that doesn't have metro forced on your desktop PC. I'm probably holding out for whatever is after 8 if it's going to be such a nightmare to use it as a desktop (okay, not a nightmare, but still, it is just so awkward). I have it installed on a backup drive and just using it doesn't make sense.…
I'd like to see the amount of actual humans in Wyoming for this debacle. I'm very sure there are some, but come the fuck on, there cannot be that many. I'd also like to see who is paying these politicians off. If nobody is, then they really have lost it and live in some 9/11 Twilight Zone. Is America safe? Who knows.…
What about us freaks with a halfway webbed second and third toe?...do they make running mitten footwear?
I'll be "playing" Skyrim...it's really just me trying out some mods that look cool, then shutting the game down. Hopefully Worms is in order this weekend with the friends and brews. Never get sick of Worms (I play the PS3 2D one with friends on my roommates PS3, and the one for Steam when by myself)
The same reason I stopped using iTunes and went to Amazon years ago will be the same reason people start leaving steam and origin and start hoping developers make things easier to get from their personal sites. IN FACT, I don't know why a bunch of developers just don't leave Origin and Steam for good, put their money…
Well thank you. In all honesty, I will have to wait on the competition for the Wii U before I make the next gen choice, so I might not even get a next gen system until like 2013 it seems. PLUS, as per usual, they all three have to compete with my PC. Unfortunately I have no social life for them to compete with for the…
I'm all for a new IP from Miyamoto BUT I'd rather have better support and selection of 3rd party titles on the console for Nintendo. I felt like the Wii was an "and 1" to a party. I love Nintendo but I also want games. As many games as are possible. However, when they hold back their system to make it cheaper (the…
Look man, I'm a tech junky, which is why I like this site, and I really would love to have the latest and greatest, but then I think about funds and the actual necessity (which separates me from the tech junky elites) and I can't find something better for myself right now phone-wise. I'm in Columbus, OH so the Sprint…
Even though I'm a no-contract on per month basis with Virgin Mobile they grandfathered me in so I still have the $25 a month fee for the lowest unlimited data plan (I hardly use voice so 300 minutes is fine). The data speeds are very acceptable to me when I realize I don't honestly HAVE to have internet on my phone in…
I get non-loading vids and pics on this site and Kotaku (both gawker ran) where I have to refresh to see them. In fact, for some reason those two sites are the slowest loading in general. I also have issues where my name in the upper right becomes unclickable sometimes after I login so I can't see my messages...until…
Pretty amazing...BUT, at the same time, I kind of wish all countries looked like this at certain hours to knock down energy use, etc. Obviously not saying North Korea is doing it right, just that I wish we could somehow look like that world-wide sometimes when trying to cut down on energy consumption. Of course, this…
My roommate bought this for the PS3 and I have been playing. He plays after work, I play late-night. We are both level 20 (although I don't think I've played nearly as long as him). What's odd is when I watch him play it freezes at least once and lags considerably. When I play it runs smooth so far (with occasional…
Everyone is so hyped and then they act like damned fools and trample eachother for some measly dollars saved on things they don't need. It's sad really. Now excuse me while I get my tent, rations and lawnchair ready...