
Really? To each their own. I mean, I personally like games that have enough character and personality that it is just fun looking around and figuring things out. I can't honestly say I like the game since I haven't played it but it looks different and it definitely has it's own thing going on, which pass or fail, is

I agree. My only nitpick.

the ONLY thing I don't like is the big wave/ripple of sand in front of them when moving. And that is nitpicking. Other than that, looks amusing. Shadow of the Colossus is still my fav for this quiet exploration and wonderment. Speaking of which, when the hell is that Last Guardian coming?

Gives me a good ndless Ocean relaxing vibe...that's a good thing. Can't wait until my roommate moves in with the Nintendo...and a PS3.

Well, it is all opinion. I simply state that I don't get the tablet love. They are a computer with a touch interface. It was way more cool to me when a handheld device (smartphones) were that. It seems like they skipped a step with cellphones and then went backwards to pick it up with tablets, if that makes sense. Or

7 inches?

If you've read my posts before about tablets than you can skip this. I am like a broken record about this. For the life of me I still can't get a grasp of what makes tablets so great. No buttons? No...cell signal?

I can't wait until I move to Seattle. I'll probably try this and see the cost effectiveness of it and maybe use it sparingly or never again (or would be great if you're sick). However, whenever I read "Seattle" I just wanna pack up now. Soon enough...

It better have some fabulous stuff for us non-tablet users or I'm guessing it will be a non-factor for desktop users like myself with Win 7.

Thank you both for the responses

If only we could get the hacks like Paul W. Anderson and Jay Leno to stop...

I'm up to date PC-wise, so it's just another "YAY! I get to complain about Gawker media's 'update' awesomeness". Really though, it is disheartening to see images squished and stretched on a tech blog. What's funny is as I'm typing this they are fixed above...maybe because I wasn't logged in yet? Who knows. Either way

Also, why doesn't this work for older firefoxes or other browsers? Just a question.

I wish they would have hacked my bank account. Just removing the "-" or putting a "+" sign would have been helpful.

Does anyone else get smooshed images? It's obviously a gawker problem as only this site, Gizmodo and Lifehacker do it on my browser (Firefox - Win 7).

the underwear should be a NES cartridge on its side...I've gone too far.

I didn't trust or care about people linking games TO violence so I am going to do the same with any link to non-violence. Let's see the link to obesity though...

I hope for everyone who bought this that you are correct.

That might be the worst demo I have played in a long time. Clunky, nothing new, and the graphics were sub-par. Sad. I'd rather just play the older ones.