


K-k-k-k-k-k-k-KOMBO BREAKER!

Where the hell is an updated Zombies Ate My neighbors?

Anyone who reads my posts knows I dislike Apple....except for this.

something without "i" in front of it would be amazing. (Note: the word "it" has "i" in front of....it.....I just blew my own mind)

I never understood religion when involved with execution. I don't understand it anyways, but with execution you are read your last rites and then a government or person ACTING like a god ends your life. It seems that executions should be separated from religion IMO. Also, I never understood the last meal deal either.

I think it's weird that if this site thinks the video is of questionable taste that they post it (well, a link) and probably enjoyed the actual video but dislike the photographer? That's what I get from this post anyways.

I'm glad I had/have good parents. I feel sorry for anyone who didn't. The common sense I grew up with apparently isn't common anymore.

If it's not The Far Side or Calvin and Hobbes then it is not a comic.

I get the reference but it also looks like the worlds smallest police department is about to commit suicide.

I only watched to see if Jemaine and Bret walked by in the background......I miss Flight of the Conchords that much...

@kagekiri: I know but my whole story is that I had an iTunes account because a $50 iTunes giftcard and where I worked I could use iTunes to download music as well so I ended up being kind of tethered to iTunes for awhile during those years. I actually don't mind iTunes' as a music player on my PC, just its clunkiness

Can I patent "drawing ideas in black and white figures and basics to show basic functionality for a burgeoning idea"

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: It was perfectly simple. I will admit, I don't need 30 GB of music on me at all times like some people so maybe it isn't for everyone but it played music and worked great. You could toss it on your dresser when you were done with it for the day and it was fine. Didn't worry if it got stolen

The shuffle before the last one (the little square one) was the best iPod ever made. No look control, put it anywhere and it was rugged. This screen is overkill. They just should of made the 2nd gen shuffle with like a 3 line led screen to show time, album+artist, playlist. And kept the buttons easy to use without

Our military is a threat to our national security.

Cellphone charts were designed to keep women and minorities in competition with each other. To distract us while white dudes inject aids into our chicken nuggets. That’s a metaphor. - Tracy Jordan (slightly changed to make it relevant)

Used game sales hurt developers and publishers. That is a fact. You can defend it any way you want to, but it hurts their profit. I never said it was a crime but you people act like they have no room to complain. If I sold something and you bought it second or third hand and wanted to complain to me about it, so what?