
AND the full size is 7.32 GB. 69mb for the installer. So if you got slow webs you're gonna be playing later tonight

You get 5 hours to play just in case you are wondering. I'm gonna go out of my comfort range to play this. I'm pretty strictly Bad Company 2 and the like (I own DICE games and The Orange Box...and Plants vs Zombies) but we'll see. Sell me on it APB!

@MJDeviant: You know its bad when some of my German friends agree.

@badhatharry: They did teach me the science of microwaves.

Why aren't there ref penalties? Like pay cuts if you make the obvious wrong decision. He makes any call he wants and basically suffers no consequence. He walks around rather casually as his blunder just upset an ENTIRE NATION. All sports should have replay and like 5 guys to vote on the replay instantaneously as well

Is the government going to start mailing AOL discs next? That's the only thing worse then shutting off the internet.

I'm sure there's a reason this bill was concocted, but how do people get things so wrong? We need to stop calling them bills and amendments and start calling them mistakes and fixes.

I have a gut feeling I will buy this.....


I'll wait for BF3.

Why is everything always water soluble? Is anything nacho soluble? Frank's Red Hot Sauce soluble? And why can't they upgrade this technology and make women's clothes air soluble? It's questions like these that get asked when I am so bored because Ohio weather is the worst.

@DirtyColossus: I currently play BC2, and while I can stand the problems, I do miss a proper only multiplayer BF.

I'm hoping they at least tease BF3

@toomanytocount: Nah, this is us in 20 years. THANKS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE!

It could have been worse. He could have been Gob Bluth and crushed the birds against a pet store door....

@HatchC2: HAHA, I was JUST listening to Your Woman. "I could never be the right kind of girl for you..."

Now playing

I think I will wait until RB4 where I can play Gerry Rafferty's "Baker Street" and Big Man Clemson's solo from Jungle Land on the RB4 Sax.