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My favorite video game song from my youth.

"What do you mean you didn't mean to cheat on me? What, did you slip and fall and land on his junk?"

This is probably the best news I have ever read on Kotaku. I know it was probably happening anyways, but still, the rumblings of it excite me. Can't wait.

I got a NES in 1988 for my 6th birthday. Played Duck Hunt with my family. Still have that day on VHS thanks to that hulkingly large Video Camera

The people who bought the game, even at $15 and ESPECIALLY at $299, should be banned from the apple store. I see no fault in the game maker at all. They didn't make anyone pay for the game.

@Jezuz: I really fail to see any point in this story.

The Best Montage has got to be "Wet Hot American Summer"s. It's hilarious. The dancing and coffee group meeting especially.

If it didn't create an Evan Turner highlight reel then it is incorrect. Not saying my Bucks will go to Final or anything, but Evan has been amazing the last 3 games.

I think I will. I have literally nothing to do Tuesday morning. Playing through GoW3 sounds like a nice day-waster.

As a fan of the series........that looks dumb as hell. I'm a fan of REAL boobs and ass as much as the next guy, but that was lame. I don't care about the nudity or anything, it was just poorly done. Not deterring me from buying it at all, but that was cripplingly bad, as in Why?

I don't ever recall a librarian stopping me as I walked out with a copy of American Psycho. I rest my case.

@excaliburps: Batman left me wanting better boss battles. I'm hoping the sequel steps it up.

I think God of War's next game should be Kratos fighting through all those typos.........j/k

In the words of Dutch to a pencil-pushing Dillon: "You sunova bitch."

@dracosummoner: He used Medusa's head in the other games. Helios' scream is kind of unnecessary but light does shoot out from his mouth. I'd like to think of him as a Greek Lo Pan. One of the aspects I love about God of War is that it I love Greek mythology but have no problem with Kratos trampling all over it.

The Greek mythology world was a cruel and vicious place. We're talking rapes, twisted murders, oddities, and Oedipus for god's sake!

@Save me: Erasure - Chains of Love......I listen to that on purpose....because I rock

As someone who was never really interested in Halo and now has a PS3, I will say that it looks like more of what I would want. As in I'm interested in it and I don't even own the system. I'm always blasted for saying this, but Halo has always seemed REALLY boring and overhyped to me, even the multiplayer, but this