
I don't know how this is any different then having WWII games. We can crap all over other eras but not our own? And going even farther then that, it's just a game, controversial or not. I love playing war games but not for one minute do I take them as factual or that serious. I imagine tea-bagging downed opponents on

Stagnant Gaming = Stagnant sales. Guitar games, meet Crocs.

As others say, I can't stand twitter. I can't stand hearing the name, I can't stand news people actually citing "tweets" of people as news, and I can't stand the fact that it has come to me hating it so much. I mean really, I could just not care about it. I don't use it, I think it's dumb, and that should be it. BUT,

The fact that this game is a stand-alone and won't play any dlc or other rockband ongs is a tragedy. I don't own RB even though I have played it a lot. I doubt I'll ever buy it, but if I did I thought maybe the beatles one would be the way to go. BUT, I'm not buying a game that is just beatles. I'd much rather have

@MJDeviant: If I would have looked at all the pics first I would have seen there is a danger sign (and what appears to be a crab symbol?)

Before I sold my Wii and PS2, this game was getting a lot of playtime, second to only the God of War games. I love animals, I love science, and it was just relaxing. If I was stressed out, I would just turn on the game and make my own relaxing soundtrack. I recommend David Bowie's "As the World Falls Down"(I think

I don't understand why this is it's own game anymore. Those songs seem horrible (I'm sure some are good) and it doesn't seem like enough to warrant a standalone purchase. I think it would be way better to have this as an add on to GH or RB. I just don't get it by itself. It's not gonna be the party game that GH and RB

I will probably have a rockband game sometime in the future (I like the controllers better than guitar hero's and the overall feel of the game is just better IMO) but I have made a promise to myself and am getting a guitar this summer. I played a little a long time ago and I played drums for 4 years. I think I'm just

These will go perfect as a changing wallpaper set on win 7

I really do have a gaming "season". I really don't game at all when it's nice out. Basically November to April is my gaming season. Obviously if it's raining or something I might play, but usually not. Also, I got a new puppy (3/4 German Shepherd, 1/4 Akita) so my time is taken. Anyways, just saying, I'm in my

There's a simple solution for this problem. Buy neither product to make them look mental for arguing and bickering over it in the first place.

I miss cartridges. If only they were cheaper to make they'd be perfect. Especially, and I'm not sure what cartridges used, but flash memory is so cheap now. Sigh....... N64 is my favorite system so far. You could not tear me away from Goldeney ,Mario Kart, or those wrestling games. Besides TimeSplitters 2 no other

Is that picture from the book "The Black Pearl" with that Manta Ray? I read that in like the 3rd grade.

You are much better off spending that money on say, a Samsung ToC 26" FULL HD Monitor which has a remote and tv tuner. That way you get full 1920 x 1200 res and can watch TV for a little more money (well, for the 24" anyways). Other then that, pass up these horrendous painted monitors and get an Acer or Asus 22" that

Step up Nintendo!! You can basically add Rare back to your line-up!! We know you have the money! Strike!!! I'm not saying I want their game Nintendo only, but if it keeps them making TS games, then do it.

I actually like most Guns N'Roses, including about 7-8 songs off the new album. I think Axl is an asshole, but also think that he epitomizes the "f" you, I don't care, crazy, asshole, drug-ridden rock that has always been rock as long as I have lived (1982). He could tone down the asshole bit though, but he won't,

I'll be getting a PS3 in January (the only reason over the 360 is God of War 3), but definitely not for this. I'm glad it's free, and it looks neat I guess, but I doubt it's going to move systems. And usually neat means unnecessary. I had a Wii and I only made one Mii and really never used it after that. It was pretty

Yeah, but will he blend?

I don't see why they would risk NOT having it as just DLC. I mean, there's nothing but a little marketing to do for it (and not much needed because it's The Beatles). Obviously kids know about The Beatles (I would hope) but I'm not sure my generation or younger would flock to the stores to pick up just a Beatles game.

P.S.- I didn't think it was possible to jump more disoriented and "guessfully" than Turok for N64. I stand corrected.