
But he has weak character because he said his coach gave him money when the coach wasn’t supposed to be doing that. He’s a pot fiend and a snitch!

Shoulda taken the guy who smoked weed in a gas mask.

That hair is why I call bullshit on her Pantene gig. That ain’t just Pantene. That is baby’s blood and whatnot.

It’s beyond gorgeous hair; this is in mane or pelt territory.

I don’t understand things anymore.

Fer fucks sake. You make an obviously racist and threatening statement, and then say that you didn’t mean to be racist or threatening. What the fuck? Did you phone just type that shit by itself?

While I in no way intended to make racist or threatening statements, I now realize that they could be interpreted that way.

I was wondering about that. Then again, why would they think anybody would want to talk to their make-up artist? Such a random thing!

What kind of armpit makeup did Laura Ingraham ask for, before she she did her Heil Hitler salute?

The fact that the RNC apparently didn’t have him sign an NDA is yet another sign of how fucking amateur hour this whole production is. Jesus. If this is how they roll, I’m scared shitless for what would happen if they took the presidency.

Btw folks, there’s a conservative troll going around today trying to present themselves as a “never Hillary” Bernie supporter. Some name like “BERNIE FAM STAY WOKE” or something as equally dumb. Don’t bother engaging.

The fact that Trump gave Ted Cruz a chance to address the convention is just more evidence that his campaign is completely incompetent. I mean, he went after the guy’s wife and father and mocked him relentlessly at the end of the campaign; how could Trump have thought that Cruz’s speech would be supportive?

The Stevie Wonder one was pretty awesome though. Highlight was James calling his wife, and Stevie singing “I Just Called To Say [James] Loves You.” James was in tears he was so happy.

Are you asking if I would crap my pants if I was her? No because she does public speaking for a living.

Are you asking if I would Nazi salute like her? No, because I know how to wave without looking like I’m mentally thinking Heil Hitler

literally, we are seeing light from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... 🔚

I feel very, very small right now.

It’s almost always a woman or a POC he’s featuring, and it reeks of that whole “confidence of a mediocre white man” blight on our society. Tone it down? Much.

Cue the conservative dimwits screaming how undignified Michelle O is being and that we need someone to bring “class” back to the role of first lady.

Let’s face it - Michelle Obama is the coolest First Lady in the history of first ladies. #oftenimitated #neverduplicated #notevenclose