I’m guessing that anyone who signs their soul away to be a part of the Trump empire doesn’t have a “rogue” bone in their body. “Mouthiness” and “opinions” are for ex-wives.
I’m guessing that anyone who signs their soul away to be a part of the Trump empire doesn’t have a “rogue” bone in their body. “Mouthiness” and “opinions” are for ex-wives.
good god, imagine if my whole CV showed up very time I was mentioned. “Rslwn, pre-teen Piers Anthony fan and mediocre ESL teacher...”
I never could really figure this out. It’s not hard to NOT plagiarize. It’s really just not.
1)Didn’t Melania give a great speech? She wrote it herself!
I don’t think it’s weird.
If any woman had an earlier career outside of academia, it must be mentioned as it influences her current accomplishments — especially something that requires as little talent and commitment as being a ballerina.
This seems a lot closer to the truth than the NYT claiming that Melania went rogue.
If that’s true, it doesn’t seem nitpicky. It seems like a big deal if Trump Organization resources are being used for the campaign when they shouldn’t be.
EVERY TIME I catch a student plagiarizing they use this EXACT same line about accidentally giving me a “draft.” A “draft” is defined as “a preliminary version of a piece of writing,” not a series of cut-and-pasted excerpts from other people’s writing!
Literally every source I see on this story talks about how the speechwriter was a ‘former ballerina’ as if that has some relevance. It’s really weird. She’s been ghost-writing Trump books for over a decade according to her brief Wikipedia page... which doesn’t even mention ballet. I mean do we call Harrison Ford a…
Is this true?
Pretty gross, plus there’s the implicit value judgment that white meat is better than dark ;)
To be fair, there are a lot of fat jokes about Chris Christie, which make me equally uncomfortable. I wouldn’t support him as President, but that has nothing to do with his weight.
Agreed. And anything that’s mocking her body really. Like does any of that have to do with her ability to run the country? It just shows how misogynistic this world can be. I’m not a fan of Hillary but all of this stuff is just sad.
Or a lot of the “Christian” distinguishing between good women and harlots/harpies/harridans. (Oooh! So getting a t-shirt made with that on it! Can someone help me come up with a 4th H?)
I think the thought process is if you don’t fit their mold, you deserve what’s coming to you, even if it’s gender-specific violence.
That Hot Chicks for Trump shirt is the ugliest fucking shirt I’ve ever seen
I am shocked. SHoCKED!
Weirdly, that "KFC" one was more upsetting than nearly everything else, for me.
I’d say you can cut the cognitive dissonance with a knife in Cleveland right now.
What’s the typical response from your average female (non-journalist) RNC attendee when they see this garbage? Disgust, or is it more “lalalala.....not seeing anything....”