
I felt this way, too. However, I took my little brother to see Oh Hello this weekend and it is actually amazing and I cannot recommend it enough.

That's actually really great to hear! The only shooters I ever really got into were the ones with compelling stories (read: Bioshock), because the gameplay just never appealed to me.

One of my biggest qualms about modern gaming is this obsession with shooters. I was a child of the 90s and grew up playing Mario/Zelda/pokemon, and took a break for a while when FPSs became the big craze. When I reentered gaming as an adult, the online shooters always seemed intimidating and off-putting, if only

I feel like this article misses a lot of points.

I totally agree. It was a big let down. And I feel that with only two episodes left (well, now one), they should have talked about something more substantial, although I doubt there's that much left that can be addressed without venturing into defamation. I know the internet beat this to death but it's an episode

*Takes deep breath and pushes glasses further on face*

"I Don't Want to Live on the Moon" is great, I am nostalgia-ing hard core listening to this.

I will say, though, that when I was in high school and first got my paws on this album I vividly remember thinking that maybe it would be worth it to go to jail just so I could get a Mountain Goats song written about my experience.

Personally, I never thought of this as a "geek-revenge fantasy" and, given JD's history working with youths, I doubt that was ever his intention. At least to me, the song always seemed like it was an homage to a kid who got screwed by a broken system and the one mistake that ruined him for life.