
I actually went and looked up whether or not Tobias Menzies has a younger brother that they cast as Alex. Apparently not, but the resemblance is striking.

I wish the daughter's character was actually the character that the actress plays on The 100. Because all the zombies would be dead and no fucks would be given. It's very strange seeing her as a whiny teen when I'm used to seeing her as a badass warrior.

gimple said FCC on walking dead, hence my confusion.

idk then, gimple said FCC on talking dead so that's what i went with.

You're right, I'm ashamed of myself. I'm glad somebody thought of the children.

On the Talking Dead, Andrew Lincoln said that they recorded "fucking with" a lot, and only took one take of "screwing with." I liked this episode a lot, but I wish they'd taken the FCC fine. (Also, how ridiculous is it that Rick tearing out a guy's throat with his teeth is cool, but a well-placed fuck isn't?)

It also makes her line about how she didn't mean to shoot the woman at the prison in the head take on a different context. She meant to shoot her elsewhere, so she'd come back as a walker. Yikes, Lizzie, yikes.

A C+? Seriously? I thought this was one of the best episodes the show has had in ages. Melissa McBride did a tremendous job.