
No shit, should’ve had fried chicken delivered to them instead

It is funny. Hilarious in fact. Go get yourself a “degree” in african studies hot shot. Is there a more intellectually dishonest degree in academia???

In short, no one gives a shit. Gawker will quoit reporting in a few days and then these losers can start eating out in the open again instead of hiding it

stupid as fuck, but still not as stupid as a hunger strike, so, yeah I’m on board with this

Mizzou sucks though

Which, hilariously, is about what these retards are “protesting”

Change “probably” to definitely not in a trillion years even if we were living in an alternate universe and you’d be right. Tell these retarded millenials that you’ll legalize weed and they think you’re Jesus

Yeah, because socialism has a stellar track record

So they’re “fighting” by starving themselves for a couple of days? Fucking morons.

Well, they’re millenials, so...

fuck no they wouldn’t

probably why crime on campus went up under his stead

18-22 year olds are, as a general rule, mongoloids

Yeah, what gawker won’t report is that the VAST majority of camnpus thinks Johnathan is a complete fucking idiot. I’ll sure he’ll pass out and have to be taken to the ER to suck up some taxpayer money for his no-insurance having ass, then some makeup-less, hairy armpitted, white cornrowed, patchouli smelling chick