
I don't really have much to add here but just wanted to thank you for your comments. I initially disagreed with pretty much everything you said but as I continued on in the thread, I allowed myself to consider the points you were making. You have really opened my eyes and educated me on a lot of things I had

I dunno man, I'd still say there are still things in shows (regardless of what show it actually is) that I'd rather find out myself whilst watching as was intended, than by accidentally stumbling onto a throwaway comment John from Barrow made on his lunch break.

Jo and Amela are 100% the absolute worstyworstworst, I agree with you wholeheartedly.

I've never wanted a show I regularly watch to get cancelled as much as I want this one to. It started strong but declined week-on-week though as much as I tried, I couldn't switch off.
I just know a Season 2 would be terrible plus I don't really have space in my hate-watch arsenal for this. Also, Raimy is the worst

I'm 100% with you on the Daniel as a cad thing! I think that will add the necessary drama they'll need for continuing seasons because having a lead actress with an accepted 'soul mate' is boring. So so so bored by the whole Stan/Maricella story line, like why isn't he dead yet if it's all true? I could care less. Also

YES! I made an account just to comment on this.