
She could be in a coma and I would still vote for her.

is Dr Oz going to anal prob him to confim his health status????

What I don’t get is why this walking pneumonia diagnosis isn’t proving to everyone what a fucking badass Hillary is. She hasn’t slowed down and she’s been seriously sick. This is some serious dedication. My 22 year old brother got walking pneumonia and he missed finals because of it.

The state where you can literally have a gun range in your back yard a hundred feet from your neighbor’s house and they won’t let her live in a tree?

Donald Trump is not going to be able to follow all the rules of the debates, like time limits and waiting his turn.

The debates will be fantastic for Hillary. Donald Trump is not going to be able to follow all the rules of the debates, like time limits and waiting his turn. He also won’t be able to feed off the crowd, some of whom will actually be hostile to him. It won’t be like a rally where he can say anything and get cheers. He

So I think we should have a debate with no moderator.

For many years I thought the photo depicted a sailor being reunited with his love interest after leaving her to go off to war. I’m guessing most people assumed this and thought it was sweet, hence the popularity of the photo. Not sure how Life described the photo at the time, though.

What’s disturbing to me is how often this photo and the (accurate) story behind it has been in the news in my lifetime and how that’s really done nothing to change people’s minds about it.

“Gender suspicious” is a glorious phrase.

I had to Google which character he (she?) was in Pulp Fiction.

Now playing

I was always amused by Sarek touching Amanda’s hands and looking at her intensely. It made me think they got it in quite frequently and had a “passionate” relationship by Vulcan standards. Thus the TNG episode where Sarek and Picard meld was particularly heartbreaking when “Sarek” admitted how much he loved Amanda and

Shouldn’t that be “Lust we all forget?”

“I mean, that’s what it’s there for, amirite” - William T. Riker, Cmdr.

I remember the episode of Voyager where a Vulcan undergoing Pon Farr tried to kidnap Torres so he could perform the ritual, even though he could have used the Holodeck for that purpose and nobody would have minded.

Hey at least you never walked in on your parents

In somewhat related news, it was only upon a re-watch of TNG in my mid-twenties that I learned that my abiding childhood crush on Natasha Yar was actually a sign I desperately needed therapy.

Lest we all forget!

I’ll admit, I can’t help but look at the dongle without thinking of this: