
A lot of teachers use individual dry erase boards in class; the markers are for the kids to use, not the teacher!

Wow, that is horrible and insane! But I guess that's the culmination of 30-plus years of pathetically underfunding public schools. Thanks for all the bootstraps, there, GOP.

Trust me, the teachers hate asking. I’m a first year teacher and had *nothing* for my classroom last month. No posters, no supplies, nada. Not even a stapler. Everything I have now, I had to beg, borrow, or buy myself. And we get a $200 or so check in October from the district to cover an entire year’s worth of

I wish. We got one list from a teacher on the first day of school, stating that all of the specific items needed for her class had to be purchased by Wednesday of that same week, or they would be marked down for not being prepared. I kid you not.

Doubt it. If it was white kids from Oberlin being bitten by attack dogs, it would have been all over the news. It changes the calculus when a story will actually get mainstream attention, which is why it’s so important that mainstream venues like Jezebel are covering it.

It’s crazy. I saw the school lists online and apparently you are supposed to supply the school with general stuff, like garbage bags. WTF?

I have no doubt that some of the security personnell wielding dogs enjoyed it. Maybe not everyone who is in that line of work enjoys that sort of thing, but some do. The corporate decision to push forward regardless of the protestors and to employ security to make it happen?

It’s fucking INSANE. The Seattle Times, my local newspaper, does a supplies charity run every summer to outfit all kids for school: backpack, paper, pens, etc. and they gather a ton of stuff every year. Every last bit of it is handed out within twenty four hours of the end of the program.

Maybe. But we have a long history of treating Native Americans like shit. Wouldn't surprise me if someone enjoyed it, especially because they had been protesting.

The tribe wasn’t even asking for they to do that, just yet. They were asking for a chance to conduct in-depth studies to determine what exactly is at the site (how many remains, artifacts, etc.) - THEN come up with options. And yes, there are options - preserving the site, re-interment elsewhere, etc. People believe

Nah, I’m the same way - I’m 28 and still prefer to hand write all of my notes, even in an office environment. In undergrad I took a notebook to lectures/discussion sections, and would later type up all of my notes (along with any important book passages, etc.) to make a study guide for exams/midterms/finals. The

“If I look out at at my classroom virtually none of them are using a notebook.”

That’s a straw man. There isn’t any reasonable person who contends that face transplants for people who have suffered catastrophic injuries to their faces is “wasteful.” I’d like to see a link to the people who are supposedly saying this. Remember, 10% of the population is going to agree with even the craziest

Here’s what I think happens, and it’s not unique to Oklahoma, or the South, or for that matter, the Middle East.

True. My 7 year old and I watched earths mightiest heroes, and loved it. I showed him 3 episodes of Avengers Assembled and he hated it. The art is just ugly and the stories are stupid.

There is literally no way this show is targeted to 12 year olds. I'm guessing 4-8.

Agreed. My 5 year old re-watches Earth's Mightiest Heroes on repeat but has no interest in Avengers Assemble. I tried watching but it is pretty bad. Not a big fan of the newest Spidey either and I really enjoyed Spectacular Spider-man. Also: Get off my lawn!

Children's shows can be good, you know. Like Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Or Avatar the Last Airbender. Or Batman the Animated Series.

He tweets film critiques.