
Also in Yokohama, Japan. Going this weekend!

Much of the population explosion isn’t about birth rates at all. It’s about death rates. People die at older ages than they used to. Way fewer people are born than used to be born, but way more survive to adulthood and old age than ever before. It’s not about birth rates. It’s about medical care and the eradication of

I moved to Japan in 2010. My flight landed early and I had to call the friend who was supposed to meet me at the airport via payphone.

Also Sailor Moon, Utena, Yowamushi Pedal, Prince of Tennis, Kuroshitsuji, Kishi no Ribbon... It’s an entire genre of live theater in Japan!

It’s also a little bit Japanese. My Japanese elementary school home ec class has a regular unit in the curriculum in how to organize your desk. Kids do a project on it. They gave to take before and after pictures and write an essay on it. Add that to the way cleaning the classroom is a scheduled part of the work day

In an ideal world, the new 3 person family would have two bread winners and a stay at home mom. All the financial stability of a traditional dual income household, all the social benefits of a stay at home parent. But it wouldn’t really work out so neatly.

I have no idea how Goosebumps got a movie, but Eerie Indiana and Are You Afraid if the Dark are still just memories.

Or travel.

Videos suck. Photos, please.

They want them to die. They see the woman’s life as forfeit the moment she had a penis in her, whether she wanted it there or not. I have seen so many arguments against life of the mother exemptions for this reason. Virgin and white dichotomy where whores might as well be on death row.

The local radio station in the town I grew up in does this once a year. 96.5 The Buzz, Afentra’s Prom. Free if you wear Prom attire, I think. This is something lost of people think about, apparently.

Here’s the thing: medical advancements in obstetrics and gynecology aren’t a fact of life anymore. They’re being eliminated by wonky laws and dubious religious hospital administrations left and right. In this dawning dark age of medicine, I feel pro-choice is too passive a stance.

This is silly. There’s no such thing as a perfect world. Every medical miracle should be celebrated. Abortion is awesome. That’s all there is to it. Of course, every medical intervention is equally awesome. I’m sick of having to dance around that. So, religious people say I should be all demure when I talk about

I politely disagree. I am pro-abortion. I think it’s a wonderful procedure and should be free to anyone who wants it at any time. Every obstetrics unit should be legally obligated to provide itit on demand. It makes the world a better place. I am also pro-heart surgery, pro-antibiotic, and pro-eyeglasses. They all

It’s only commercial apple sauce that’s so full of sugar. Cook down some apples in a pot and add however little sugar you like and some cinnamon and pour it into some screw top gladware containers. Freeze some, put the rest in the fridge for the week. I bring this sort of applesauce to work regularly. It’s less sugar

Meh. This was already and episode of Revenge, basically.

This was my grandfather. My grandmother dropped dead in the kitchen and three months later he was married to the abusive mother of his son’s high school girlfriend. He couldn’t do anything at all. My aunt tells how she almost went without a winter coat because he didn’t know where to buy children’s clothes. She is the

There is an underground passage already there. People like the crossing because it’s so iconic.

It’s bizarre how negative the responses here are. Usually Jezies are elated with the idea of being able to skip the gyno gatekeeper. All the pro BC OTC organizations and arguments were made here no more than a year or two ago.