You know, now that I put them next to Trump, the Reapers actually have a lot going for them.
What you mistake for trolling and obvious satire are eaten up by a lot of people as actual support. Donald Trump is no longer funny. Trolling Donald Trump just makes what used to be trolling become the new normal. The exact same stuff that will make a non-Trump fan laugh will be the exact same stuff that causes a…
Ah that explains a lot then. Because the video itself (other than the ending) definitely seems in jest.
Don’t blame me, I voted for Harbinger.
First, yes, he most certainly has said racist things in his campaign. Second, I’m sure you’re aware (lol, no, you’re not, because you’re probably about as informed as rock) that Trump had to be forced by the federal govt in the 70's to rent to black people and he argued that renting to blacks would ruin the value of…
Does he, though?
I mean, even if it’s just a retweet, isn’t he still using someone else’s IP in a way that could ultimately lead to donations and financial gain? At the very least, couldn’t Bioware send a cease-and-desist to Trump’s campaign?
I don’t know anything about copyright law, fair use vs infringement, etc...…
So him basically saying all Mexicans are drug lords and gang bangers isn’t racist?
In the description of the video, the poster writes:
Gather the Dragon Balls.
Oh no...nothing racist at all. He was clearly doing stand up when he goes on and on about how ALL MUSLIMS are terrorists and need to be removed from the country or when he said everyone from Mexico are rapists. Yeah, that’s not racist at all and how he is illegally going to revoke a majority of the visas people spent…
Quite a few conservatives don’t like the guy, either.
I fully expect him to say, “I am your salvation through your destruction.”
I like that this guy’s like “I’m just like the Illusive Man”, who was the sci-fi version of the Grand Wizard of the KKK and whose role in the final story was to be so wrapped up in his own racism and megalomania that he didn’t realize he had become one of the greatest allies of the Reapers.
At least I know for certain what I’d be getting myself into with the reapers.
If not for the seemingly sincere endorsement at the end of the video, I would have assumed this was just a parody to make Trump look petty and satirize the overdramatic way he talks about his political plans
You know...Reapers aren’t so bad...they just want to kill us to make us into another Reaper.
I like to picture Obama having a designated member of his staff who’s job it is to monitor amiibo stock online and help track down those elusive ones he’s still missing.
I can just imagine him getting online and smashing other people and just laughing to himself “Dont fuck with the potus.”
This is not nearly as fun.