

All of this shit is irrelevant to the word "nigga". Sure, I pray for world peace among all peoples, but please stay on topic.

In America, where White people run everything (don't say anything about Oprah or Obama and make me burn this whole country down) that is our primary problem and ALWAYS has been. To argue that power and influence have no relation to oppression is just per se ignorant and wrong. You don't know what words mean.

You're so deluded it hurts. If White people all agreed with Black people on human rights and equality we would have no racism. We would have equality. Black people would not still have subpar education and health care, their voting rights would not be in jeopardy, they would not be incarcerated at overwhelmingly

Unless you're Black - in which case Stephen A. Smith owes YOU an apology if you were offended - don't no Black person owe you (much less "everyone") anything. Certainly not an apology for the word 'nigga'. If not this is not about you.

The "I know you are but what am I?" defense doesn't work well past kindergarten.

Question 1: Am I the only one who sees a face in the center of that storm?

Well how convenient for White people that they make up the majority then.

No. It isn't.

Who is "we" in your general definition of racism? "We" is not any credible social scientist, I promise. Racism is by definition a question of the dynamics between Group A and Group B, one which is the oppressor and one of which is the oppressed. To apply the same standards to both with regard to matters of

Racism is a question of relative power and not an absolute. So it has to matter.

They should not.

LOL!!! Are you really crying Black people being "elitist" because they don't want you to say 'n-gger'? After 300 years of oppression, we try to take back that one word and suddenly we've gotten too big for you huh? White folks just CAN NOT/WILL NOT let go of it...

WAAAAH!!!! You wanna trade for the double-standards that apply to Black folks? Like tell you what, I'll let you say 'n-gger' if it means that people call YOU 'n-gger' from now on and not me.

Bullshit. If the NAACP wants to rise up on behalf of Black people and take him to task for the use of the word then fine. White folks have permanently lost all credibility and authority to use or opine on the use of that word after having wielded it as a weapon of oppression for centuries.

Because it's made of dirt and you get paid if you hit it? Pretty sure it's an old mining term (referring to the plots of land that have gold/oil in them and thus pay out) but it would apply here by the same logic.

Erm, there are more than a few Asian languages...

Ditto. Can no longer eat chicken noodle soup without it.

Vehemently disagree. Off to put siracha on an enchilada casserole because now I can't stop thinking about it!

I haven't been able to look at Ben Affleck the same way since Pearl Harbor and Reindeer Games (the latter just utterly destroyed my ladyboner for him). The Town didn't make me cringe...much...but having been so disappointed by him in the past I'm still a bit raw.