Neutral: What Should Chevy Do Instead?
Neutral: What Should Chevy Do Instead?
This was possibly the least convincing positive review I’ve ever read. “Incredibly condensed” story, “thin” characters, “non-entity” villain, “no tension”, and “the proton packs seem to have a bigger arc than many of the characters”.
It’s extremely obvious after looking at all of the trucks from the big 3 at the auto show that the F-150 is easily the nicest truck for the money.
Neutral: Stop insulting car buyer’s intelligence. They’re advertising to the lowest common denominator of car buyer and insulting everyone else’s intelligence. Stop treating us like sheeple and treat us like adults with rational brains. Yes I know a large portion of the population is not that, but even a dumb person…
What Chevy needs is a smug, cell-phone shredding hipster douche to sell their cars.
Neutral: What Should Chevy Do Instead?
I think the lesson here really has to do with Chevy’s marketing team. Taking a page from their internet marketing, if I had to sum their advertising up using emoji’s, I would say it like this:
chevy take note and just start building this for the americans (and sell to us europeans too)
So she’s apperantly a super-genious, but thinks she’s just done with school at age 15. All that social studies and civics stuff, who needs it? Why would anybody in the Marvel universe ever need to know what the deal with the Nazis is?
She looks like a nice girl, but why does she have to be Iron Man? At this point, she’s just building a suit, like Tony Stark did. War Machine isn’t also Iron Man. He’s War Machine.
Big deal. Toronto spends millions and doesn't have an NHL team either.
I agree. They are good. But are so many American actors that bad? Oh, and I forgot to add Bandersnatch Cummerbund, Idris Elba, Sir Patrick. James McAvoy, Gandolf Holmes (Sir Ian), Michael Airbender, Nicholas Hoult, Kate Beckinsale, Iaon Elmerfudd, Paul Bettany, etc. (yes, I’ve deliberately played with names).
Why use a fake photo of Trump supporters getting attacked when there are plenty of REAL videos and photos of said supporters being violently attacked and shamed. Its funny that Trump supporters are made out to be these vile angry racist. Interesting, considering that you dont seem them yelling and screaming hate and…
But really, when has GM ever faced consequences for stupid past decisions and resistance to new technology?
You better watch out, you better not cry
How the shit are these guys able to undertake these kinds of transformations?!
bread-and-circuses. we get the circus, they get the bread. "Hillary: Because it's Her Turn."
So I had to look up “gobby”:
You could watch the American version of Doctor Who played by Arthur Darvill on Legends of Tomorrow.
This is 2016. Most trucks aren’t gas guzzlers anymore if you drive them right. You can get a used Dodge fairly cheap right now as they have much shittier resale compared to Chevy/Ford/Toyota.