Kanesian Economist

As long as they don’t let Chris Evans do the driving......

Hasn’t stopped numerous people from being President (like from 1933-2001) so why should it stop people from being a dean or a SC justice?

Not THAT’S funny, I don’t care who you are.....

Why should something as silly as residency get in the way of voting in Illinois? The dead do it, why not non-residents?

Newest Trump security.....

This is tough. On one hand, I CAN’T STAND “The Donald”. On the other I think John Oliver is an overrated gasbag and jackass.

I’m like you. I’ll give the “new” a try but I can’t help but thinking that no matter what they do, it won’t be Top Gear without J, J, & R.

It’s about time Hollywood decided it was OK to make movies for ADULTS again. It pisses me off when everything from movies to TV has to be “censored” because someone is worried little Johnny might see something. Let little Johnny’s PARENTS worry about that, those of us who might actually enjoy “R” movies shouldn’t have

Heard Steven Lang was interested. Kinda like that better, he’s more of a badass than Hamm....

I found it very enjoyable. Violent, rude, crude, and funny.

I forgot, the demmies NEVER gave their buddies tax breaks and loopholes. Demmies don’t have Wall Street buddies who crazily compound their salaries.

So if she’s NOT white, it woudl be OK then.....