
I remember that from the extended trailer (which was utterly riveting) and so I didn't flinch when it happened in the movie. But I sure flinched during the trailer.

Also in the trailer: running out of gas, though it was edited as if it happened right after the first dogfight. In any case I kept waiting for it to

That trailer was just amazing. I saw it just before the IMAX showing of Rogue One at the Air and Space Museum, and the sound was So Loud. That made the whole experience overwhelming. Seeing the whole movie in 70mm at a more reasonable volume? Incredibly entertaining, for sure. But the trailer. My jaw was literally

"nesting-doll narrative (refined from Nolan’s sci-fi thriller Inception)"

I got trapped in the National Zoo once, that apparently happens to a lot of people though. We stood around for maybe 20 minutes with a small crowd before we just scaled the fence (!) and got out. Seconds later, an employee came by in a golf cart: I guess they wait a little while, on purpose, to be sure that they once

That sounds very friendly and it also sounds like something that would creep out a lot of people. Even if your factoids were totally innocuous.

I'm very happy for him.

Or video of him shooting someone. Probably not on 5th Avenue. But still, yeah, like he said, his supporters wouldn't care. But seriously, isn't that something the mob would want to have on tape?

Man was the real monster all along

I hid in my university library overnight once, during summer break. I'm sure I was inspired by having read this book as a kid.

I actually had a work-study job there, and I was working there part-time during the summer, so I knew the details of closing down. I even knew the guy that did last rounds. He knew to check

C'mon, it's 2017, nobody has to pretend any more. Right?

Yes but it's also how I remember not to confuse the two

If it was the time of chimpanzees, but you were a monkey … that would be a really bad situation.

Are you a teenaged girl in the 1980s? Then yes. Otherwise … there are better uses of your time.

Wikipedia tells me it was Adrienne Barbeau in the role on Broadway in 1972.

I accidentally bought the cassette of the Original Broadway Cast Recording from the RCA Record Club and was so embarrassed about getting bamboozled that way.

The Next Picture Show Podcast is a glorious treasure and it continues to stun me that it exists.

I wonder where my [official Onion branded] Hipster DBag t-shirt is? I haven't seen it in about a decade. It either never got unpacked in my last move, or it got donated to Goodwill when I wasn't paying attention.

I went to see Night Court and we were prepped to be enthusiastic (but warned not to perform any distinctive or exaggerated laugh in an attempt to be able to stand out from the crowd).

Also I learned that they take laughter from funny parts and repurpose it during lines that fall in front of the audience. Yes, we were

You can totally get away with that kind of behavior up to 3 times a month, easily. Stay hydrated. And bring earplugs, just in case.

I don't like getting elbowed in the back and waiting 20 minutes to get another beer and music so loud I can't have a conversation even if we take turns screaming directly into each other's ear. But I was always like that. Now that I'm older I know myself better and don't feel awkward about being me and can go into a