
Fun facts about the Detroit River (I bartended a tour boat there):

The link is to an Acer monitor, fyi.

The link is to an Acer monitor, fyi.

All of the above. You’ve almost got me pegged. We’re at 2nd base.

I got this kids their own Switches this year, so they both wanted to play Fortnite a ton the past couple days. I’ve dabbled with it a couple times, maybe four or five matches played and never really paid much attention to it. But playing it with the kids was a blast. It certainly changed my opinion of the game. I’m

Hey folks! Please use the comments to talk about the games you like and the ones you wish got more attention this decade!

Please do not use them to shit on other people’s suggestions or to bitch about the list. Kay, thanks!

How Amazon Will Trick You Into Buying More on Prime Day

Yep, this is why I use camelcamelcamel.  Their history graph helps show you when they pull some BS like somebody mentioned below, raising the price a few days before so they can “discount” it on Monday.

Other retailers are getting into it too. I’ve had my eye on an outdoor table at Target. On Monday, the regular price increased by $50... I imagine to get “discounted” this coming Monday.

I know people joke, but the first thing I thought when I saw this article is that I should send this to my boyfriend as a birthday present idea for me. :D

I know people joke, but the first thing I thought when I saw this article is that I should send this to my boyfriend

Other great gift ideas for your 10 year anniversary in line with this;

Other great gift ideas for your 10 year anniversary in line with this;

I was just thinking about how this would totally make up for forgetting her birthday. June 17-25??

I was just thinking about how this would totally make up for forgetting her birthday. June 17-25??

Never let the romance die.

Never let the romance die.

Man, one of those things is really not like the other.

That is extremely poor and short-sighted thinking.  Helping alumni find good jobs seeds them in the world where they can in turn help fellow alumni get jobs.

Thank you Emily for the review. I was curious about Brill. However, then I noticed a cost in order to ‘use’ the app. There isn’t any mention of the pricing structure for using Brill nor anything about buying ‘Tokens’ to make notes. Additionally on Brill’s own site there is not a clear way I can find to determine the

Is this not the same way you enable developer options for every other android phone?

When a company releases a broken mess, missing promised features, drops it by nearly 50% in less than a week, and effectively tells players to “deal with it” ten telling them to go fuck themselves is constructive feedback.

I expect it’ll arrive later; the iOS version has a radar map. Still, til it arrives, that’ll definitely be a dealkiller for some.

Yep, radar and I need up to the minute rain alerts where I live. Nothing competes with Dark sky or Arcus’s “rain starting/stopping in 12 minutes” and it starts/stops raining in 12 minutes. Hyperlocal weather is where it’s at. I think Timeline is the same but I’m not sure if you get the push notifications.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I use Nova launcher, and I have it set up so that if I tap on the icon I get the radar, if I swipe up on the icon I get the forecast app.