Thanks Trudeau
Thanks Trudeau
WV fan #1: Man, that’s just like kissing your sister.
It’s a good thing they got CC a DD to get him to AA.
They call them scalpers to honor them.
But then he would have a red flag, so he wouldn’t be red flagged for not having any red flags anymore, so that red flag would be rendered moot, which would mean he would have no red flags, which would be a red flag, which would mean his lack of red flags wasn’t a red flag anymore, which would take away his red flag,…
Whoever ordered those pies must be a real pizza work.
Sure, it looks bad, but the video actually contains a good O. Munn.
As a Browns fan, my advice is: hope your team is so shitty that everyone basically ignores your team’s FBI-related scandal out of pity and/or apathy (because I’m doubting that any front office member with the Cards has the money to buy their way out of trouble like Ol’ Jimbo did).
Since this ended in a thai, it went to a shootout.
Well, considering it was reported that CONCACAF’s offices in Miami were raided this morning at a part of this as well, it’s no surprise we haven’t heard from them.
If they really want to improve, they’ll trade for Mike Trout.
For real? Chris Webber is one of the best young analysts in the game. In games he calls, he provides terrific insight. Rose has just gotten a big head over the past few from being on the Mothership so much...
Literally anyone else - Browns fan
No, he does not have a point.
The match has been suspended due to the incident.
Thank you for your continued support of Deadspin. Let's take this one slow.
Hey you just hit on the answer to the question "Why does the NFL need a stronger NFLPA leader"
Watch the bench on the Mozgov jumper play, Alvin Gentry is already in front of Kerr while the Cavs are bringing up the ball, probably trying to keep him from getting another T.
Lawrence Taylor: How old are you?