Not available from mexico, fuck this kind of bullshit
Not available from mexico, fuck this kind of bullshit
Not available from mexico, fuck this kind of bullshit
Not available from mexico, fuck this kind of bullshit
Welcome to 2015, where everything you say,do, think; offends someone, somewhere.
Jesus, everything about that nomination is super cringgy, who put her up to that? that mgs “joke” and screwing up the winners announcement.
im searching for a video but cant find it. If someone has one, i’ll thank you a lot for it.
For a second there i thought you misspelled “asus”
For a second there i thought you misspelled “asus”
How the hell do i get dogmeat inside the vault, i have tried everything but its only me.
When F.E.A.R. first came out it was an awesome fucking game like jesus. It was awesome playing it when it came out.
I’ll keep saying this cause valve does the impossible but manage to screw the easiest shit, just like nintendo.
That already exists! A fully budgeted, Triple-A RPG built on player choices, where the thousands of choices you make through an epic storyline culminate in a beautiful finale, in which the full weight of the your decisions change the endings hue!
Nice bait, mate.
It is funny cause it will probably be true...
I have a mamba thats going on its fourth year too!
You guys should post the “normal” version of both keyboards cause just the lighting adds like $50-$60 bucks. Just saying.
You guys should post the “normal” version of both keyboards cause just the lighting adds like $50-$60 bucks. Just…
For her to suffer all that shit, i just cant imagin wtf just happened to her...
Can someone name like the TOP 10 things that they are doing?
Wish amazon could send the normal blackwidow stealth to my country... or that my local best buy sold it, it only has the chroma and its way too expensive just cause of the pretty colors...
Wish amazon could send the normal blackwidow stealth to my country... or that my local best buy sold it, it only has…
Emmmm.... you are 100% wrong. Its the people that dont know how to properly play techis. And no one knows how to play with him if someone in your team has it, even if the techis is Aui.
Since Konami is not going to do the MG1&2 remakes anymore, can the original indi devs that had David continue their work now? pretty please?
Razer Blackwidow Ultimate Elite.
Razer Blackwidow Ultimate Elite.
I would love to have their mic, game sound and music sound (or just music) on a separate channel cause sometimes they have their music so loud thats really difficult to hear/understand them or their music just plain suck. I want to control the volume of their music.