Its not just the banner that erased anything involving "Kojima" all pictures ON the website have erased "a kojima game" and the logo "Kojima Productions".
Its not just the banner that erased anything involving "Kojima" all pictures ON the website have erased "a kojima game" and the logo "Kojima Productions".
For a guy named "Techmaster5000" your comment made me laugh.
Shane, is there an updated list of the best ear-buds? the only one i can find is from 2012 ):
Shane, is there an updated list of the best ear-buds? the only one i can find is from 2012 ):
You are kind of late to the party, this is not the first arcana and/or item with this price tag, the first arcana was about the same i think.
They should wait on the smash4 tournys until pros figure out how to break it and make it a worthwhile competitive game like melee.
I cant trust Nintendo's pre-order figures anymore after the amiibo fiasco. But thats just me.
This is the main reason why Hearthstone should not be a competitive game, it is 90% RNG, so much RNG that is sickening.
This was a good tourny but PPMD and mang0 not going cause, and im quoting "i didnt want to" made this kind of easy to guess who would end up in the finals. I know that the samus player was giving surprises and i cant remember the other one, but i was sure that M2K and Hbox would end up in the finals and Hbox beating…
Im not that computer savy, but someone asked on amazon about the 48fps refresh rate. Does that mean that if i play a game on 60+fps it wont matter cause the lap has a 48fps refresh rate?
This somehow reminded me of the manga "Nana". This looks WAAAAAAY better than Remember me, hope is good.
So keep your eyes peeled for this stuff. Don't always believe what you see. Even if you're not directly feeding the trolls, sometimes they're feeding off you.
Oh Kim, you make me all tingly down there all over again.
It looked unfinished to me...
These are way too good to be for a movie. Movies only use CGI. This kind of art is dead.
This is why the only thing i care about sony, is their games division.
The R.A.T.7 will always be my favorite mouse, but i had to put it away until i can find a place that can give it proper maintenance. In the meantime, I'm using a 2013Mamba, which is pretty good also.
This virus is becoming more and more common, please, if you have VVS (Vertical Video Syndrome), tell your most nerdy friend so he can slap the shit out of you. For your sake and the people around you.
You would think that paintings been worth that much would have at least a crystal infront of them.
Awesome, thanks for the info.