
Turkey Bacon, the Jar Jar Binks of bacon types.

I am very intrigued by your offer and would love to subscribe to your newsletter. (Plus, great kinja name!)

Wait, SOY bacon? Is that a thing?

Beware of the Oscar Meyer weinermobile.


You magnificent bastard. *slow clap* +1

What’s missing from the conversation is that Marvel has the (admittedly tepid) blessing and financial backing of Disney. While Disney is having a rough time, Marvel is doing fairly well relatively speaking. DC’s parent company, Time Warner, is not as good, and the stock market’s feting has mirrored that sentiment.

  1. On a day like today, I’m glad we have this.

If I could put money on any QB to one day be photographed at an inappropriately-themed cocktail party for young white people, it would be Matt Stafford. IT’S PLANTATION NIGHT, Y’ALL! I MADE JULEPS! We could dedicate a whole new series of posts to how much Highland Park sucks

Thank you for showing me the glories that is Wikiwand. I love how it dresses up Wikipedia to look like a legitimate looking Encyclopedia Brittanica!

  1. “At Least I’m Not Riding a British Railway”

So if Mario’s Raijin & Luigi is Fujin, would that make Rosalina as Amaterasu and Peach as Uzume? Since we only see Daisy in sports-ish related games, I’m gonna tag her as a feminine Seidai Myōjin: the goddess of sports. And for Bowser: he’s Susanoo.

What the stats don’t show is Dalton’s cumulative post-season QB rating is a whopping 57.8, where during the regular season it’s 85.2. It drops a full 27 points at least. ESPN’s proprietary QBR stat suggest the 2013 game where he had one lone TD as the worst of the four games (11.0). (Average ESPN QBR post-season

You are correct on the renovation part. I found that two museums and its Beinekce library is undergoing renovation currently. It just doesn’t seem obvious, from an outsider. My apologies.

At what point did the gynecologist say to your mother, “Lady, are you fucking crazy?!”

The elephant in the room for both Twitch and YouTube is that both have really bad copyright detection services they have to use for such things as playing copyrighted music (and video game) violations. YouTube still has the problem where anyone (particularly large media companies) can put in a claim of a copyright

And he could have gotten away with it too, if he only stolen an XBox One instead!

To quote TMQ, the football gods chortled.

Next time on The Magic School Bus, we find out why we never see Mrs. Frizzle’s husband!