
Ah the Mini Bottle, or as I like to call it, Grandmother's Secret Statch. I've seen too many elder ladies at convenient stores or proper liquor stores buy up a few mini-bottles and just stash them into their purses. I'm sure there are loads of hammerspaces/pursespaces that have unopened mini-bottles of liquor in them.

I believe you have ranked these bars correctly. Airport bars are the best.

I feel this is less about Gruden wanting to send a message to Griffin (it is), and more about Gruden asserting his right to be the head coach to Mr. Snyder. At least that is what I'm hearing from the DC local media folks. There's been a lot of pontificating about whether Gruden is really allowed to coach. And I think

I'd put Getting Hit by a Car above Frog Eye Salad, any state's version.

I'd rather have West Virginia's Deer Jerky (only in West Virginia!) than Frog Eye Salad. (I also don't get why it's a popular thing in Colorado. I get Nevada.)

From Missouri, and yeah, never heard of either green rice casserole or cream cheese corn.

It's like they know who is allergic to them.

"size of an Italian meatloaf"

And llamas make great designated drivers apparently. That dude leaning on Rojo has got to be more sloshed than rednecks making moonshine.

It would be at least a good public relations move for the NBA (and other sports leagues) to help those who are compulsive addicts, as well as would the casinos and the like. They don't have to do it, that's true. But it would help spurn any frivolous lawsuit that might come from a possible class-level lawsuit claiming

...will mass bans on fraternities or sororities will serve as a successful deterrent, or merely push parties off campus?

All this hides the obvious: Rose is a glass cannon and the Bulls should seriously look into drafting suitable replacement(s) in next year's draft. And I think a change of scenery or retirement ought to be two things Derrick ought to seriously consider now.

Anyway I can have that pun returned to sender? That was horrible!

I just have one credit card, a Costco American Express card. I do have two debit cards, which I count as credit cards. Both are MasterCard. I've never really considered my FICO score when it comes to having them. Maybe I should. Good article.

And this is why the Middle East hate us. Ugh.

There's a National Geographic/Frontline documentary waiting right there.

13) Pac-Man the video game cartoon. It had a bald guy as a boss that I never understood. I regret that I liked the game as a kid and now find it to be utterly bad.

I agree with much of the commentary that we don't like Congress as a whole, but we like our incumbents just as little bit less than electing another option. But I also think in general, voters wants a Congress that does very little. Because of our growing division on what we believe is most important (economy first,

While I do agree Simmons is tempted to go out, he also has the advice of Cowherd from his own podcast that if you leave a very popular venue to strike it out on your own or go to a lesser known network, a la Olbermann, you become irrelevant. And being irrelevant is the most dangerous thing a popular media guy, like

Condiments and other perishables: Unless you have a lot of mouths to feed—or a really unhealthy relationship with condiments—that giant jar of mayo will probably go bad before you manage to use half of it.