We are here to stay!
We are here to stay!
FA isn’t going anywhere like all the other subblogs is it? I’m having trouble finding information on what’s staying, changing, or getting the ax.
Wow, you have absolutely no idea of what happened, do you? But then again, trying to explain it to someone who uses the term ‘farticle’ is probably a lost cause.
You’re wrong. Don’t worry, though, it’s OK to be wrong.
This is what doing your job looks like, to any who may still be confused by it, or operating under childish and uninformed opinions on Games Journalism.
If you’re pissing people off with your journalism, then you’re doing your job. Ruffling feathers, even if you’re entertainment reporters, is par for the course. Don’t stop doing it just because a couple publishers are a wee bit on the childish side of things.
This is a fantastic article on the complex relationship that exists between the developers of art and the people whose job is to review that art. Well written, well stated, A++++ would Kotaku again.
For the record, maple trees are deciduous.
“Curdistand? Never heard of it. But it sounds DELICIOUS.”
Nope, August.
One advantage for Jason Pierre Paul is he’s less likely to get called for holding or grabbing the face mask.
I’m here in St Louis, and my boss announces to the group around us “Gary Pinkel announced his retirement for health reasons: lack of backbone! Ha!”
Seriously, fuck this whole state.
Oh, for fuck’s sake. What part of “These Colors Don’t Run” doesn’t this guy understand?
Not just companies, this can happen in large nonprofits too. I’ve seen some pretty shady things done when executives were told they had to meet all of their membership or fundraising numbers “or else,” regardless of how unrealistic the goals were.
Yup, same thing happens all around the world in every industry, hell I’d throw academia in there as well.
from a few engineers I’ve known in the past who have interacted with Bob Lutz (at Chrysler,) his attitude was more or less “don’t be afraid to tell me I’m wrong, just be ready to show me what’s right.”
Except he’s not...that was never Piech’s fight.
Production of the “Cheating” engines started in 2009, I’m having a hard time believing this has anything to do with Winterkorn’s statements in 2012. If anything Piech should be blamed.