
Because it’s a fair assumption. Gay (and otherwise) it’s hard to imagine any way they could make things better for LGBTQ workers and not simultaneously make them better for everyone else.

The problem with Luckey wasn’t just that he disagrees about some stuff.. Funding (BAD) Trump troll/propaganda groups isn’t cool.

Excellent news! That’s really good to hear. :) 

Akira Yamaoka! Ok I’m on board. :D

Weird.. didn’t EA use to get repeatedly awarded worst place to work for *anyone?*

More 80s home computing articles please! I miss the Amiga so much. :(

Bringing back so many memories. :D

I had both STs and Amigas in the house and the ST’s games were almost always pale imitations with comparatively crappy graphics and audio. Still love both platforms though for the odd exclusives etc.

Pence would Ben easier to fight as he actually has opinions and position some that don’t change based on “whatever’s makes me look best to the people in the room.”

How many games hold your attention for more gab two weeks?

There are patent illustrations with it both ways.. I think maybe they didn’t anticipate anyone caring which way it was put in...

I’m absolutely loving Survival mode, its harsh but rewarding.. Things have a lot more meaning when there are legitimate threats. :D Just got off my first planet and exploring my starter system and I seem to have been quite lucky.. (wasn’t the first time, had to restart as i got stuck in an inescapable loop on a frozen

I sympathise and find it very interesting. :) I know my daughter can get a bit obsessive about some things..

I’ve seen nice kids go a bit sadistic and Control freakish in Minecraft too, haha. Hitler?

There’s no magic system as such.. there are a lot of skeletons wandering about. And wizards, and a lot more variety than minecraft. I haven’t tried multiplayer, it’s a relatively recent addition. I suppose there are creative ways of trolling on everything.. :/

In my case the litter trays are in the bathroom.. So that wouldn’t work. :D

That sounds like a uniquely Minecraft thing and I’ve seen other kids go through it too.. I don’t think it applies so much to Lego Worlds though, it’s not really a similar game. :)

Yeah I have 4 cats and 2 of them have played with TP at one point or another..

We have spiders.. but they can climb along ceilings, walls, etc.. I wouldn’t think moving the roll away would make a difference. I’ve never had a spider on the wall side of the roll or inside the tube, etc..