
I’ve never understood anyone considering there being a functional difference other than in the pet scenario..

This update is great! A good first step towards a much more broad seeming game.

Pfft. I love NMS and have got more play out of it than many equally expensive titles. Looking forward to this update, and still trust Hello games. :)

I’d want them to implement babylon 5 style orbital warp gates for fast travel.. that way theres no chance of being separated from your ship in another system, haha.. Also it’d look cool.

I’ve played it in VR using vorpX.. on planet it’s fine. In ships it’s awful as you can’t independantly look around so the ship is attached to your head which feels horrible.. obviously they’d fix that if it had real support, haha.

Ahh I see. :) Prime Now is bizarre.. The parcels always arrive by Uber cab here in Leeds.. Really useful and fast though.

Here’s in the UK I think you need Prime for free next day delivery?

He’s lying by denouncing them on one hand and bigging them up with the other. Nothing he says has any weight because it’s all just pandering.. if he stopped hiring racist shitheels then people might believe him.

I came close to giving one of ours away as she was peeing everywhere *and chewing electical cables* and that wasn’t really cool or safe when we had a baby around. apparently the cable thing was a phase that lasted a few years and stopped for no discernible reason.

“The biggest problem with America today is political correctness!”

It’s both Simon and Garfunkle?

Wouldn’t it be great if they just release a power bumped Vita relaunch with full backwards compatibility and a tiny HDMI streaming thing to go up against the Nintendo switch?

Here in N England everyone I know calls them “hair bobbles.”

Johnathon Pie is satire though, sometime he he has a bit of insight, sometimes a lot, other times not really at all, but it seems funny seeing him have a meltdown.. it’s a v British humour thing (see Brass Eye etc) and not supposed to be taken that seriously.

Trump Ian just a symptom really, a weird US flavour to the same thing that happened in the UK. Much of Europe is getting its own EU referendums soon too.. And we can see how that’s likely to go now. Each time followed by the same jingoism and exclusivist craziness. Regressive, racist behaviour in public..

It’s crazy how this is exactly what happened after Brexit. (Northern Englander here..) How do you get back to decency where any veneer of socially appropriate behaviour has been stripped away? :/

Please don’t get complacent anyway. Brexit wasn’t supposed to win either. Stupid stuff happens.

Trans people clearly do exist even in your limited world view, even *if* they were “choosing” it they still exist. Jeez. There is no nature vs nurture element when it comes to the Sims. This is your idea of ruining games? XD Homosexuals and feminists come into this where exactly? I don’t get where you’re coming from

That’s a dumb thing to care about as the functionality is completely hidden away in normal play, I didn’t even know it was there until someone mentioned it.. So what harm is it if it lets more people enjoy it?

If they were after a quick buck couldn’t they have just churned out more addons for Sims3? Maybe make a Sims3: Remastered with some graphical bumps. Developing Sims4 clearly took work, youbjust don’t like the end result, which is fine.