Buut.. Sims 4 is pretty much the textbook definition of quality over quantity when compared to Sims3 itself. ;)
Buut.. Sims 4 is pretty much the textbook definition of quality over quantity when compared to Sims3 itself. ;)
LOL! No more so than S3, but your S4 prejudice is pretty blatant. “All the CC isn’t as good” makes no freaking sense.
“There are more Sims fans that hate the Sims 4 than all the people that Like it COMBINED*.”
No Sims has realistic graphics, and preference for one style over another is entirely subjective. Sims don’t tend to eat food while using the toilet (maybe slob traits would), it’s more for sitting around a table, one person doing homework while another eats and another mixes cocktails with them talking as a group the…
I don’t know if you were just asking Gita or just random people.. I like Get To Work (mostly for its less advertised features like being able to build and manage businesses) most but Get Together’s clubs are really fun too. It’s worth looking on one of the sims4 wikis and comparing features, as some of the…
Leftist.. Elitist? Whut? I’ll totally own up to being a leftist, but I don’t know where elitism comes into it. :) I have a lot of add-ons for 3, too.. I’d rather be playing 4 - I know exactly how “bad” they both are after sinking 100+ hours in each.
I freaking love S4 and have all the expansions to date. (They do have sales sometimes! There was a 50% sale recently) Looking forward to this. The build toolset exceptional. I liked Sims3 too but S4 is a bit more interesting; the characters’ more complex interactions make having a cast of many worthwhile.. And…
Hmm, do people sue for emotional distress? I would have thought a lot of people are losing sleep and sanity as a direct result of his presidential run.
He might well have brought a gun to a knife fight, it’s just he repeatedly shot himself with it.
Max Booty is an exceptional name.
Grossest/weirdest thing a doctor’s ever told me.. It was a surgeon, but months after he’d performed a partial ileectomy on me I had a consultation with him regarding how the operation hadn’t helped my Crohn’s all that much.
Corey on Plane Octopus assault.. My favourite quote from this.
Which is insane as stormtroopers can’t shoot anything and sandpeople hit a moving pod-racer hundreds of feet away.
:( That’s a huge insult to the Tall Man.
I’m pretty sure he’s Eichorst from The Strain.. which makes sense as he’s a nazi vampire sexual predator too, just like his dad! ;)
This is amazing, I hope the crap keeps coming. :D
We’ll see about that. Haha.
I.. Just.. Like it? I’m looking forward to updates but I consider it a finished game already.. just a finished game that’s not for everyone.
The whole not-really-moving style movement makes me think they need a new VR Myst.. I kinda hate Myst, but it’s an ideal candidate for VR, with movement working just like it did in the early games.
I.. sort of love this comment.. WON’T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?! 😱