
THANK YOU. Ugh. This.


Now playing

I have loved her from the beginning. Her first song is fire and she keeps getting better

As someone who had intense 12-hour surgery within days of being born, i can say I remember absolutely nothing! Seeing as how I had this surgery in 1984, I imagine there were no painkillers administered. It is really crazy to think that my wussy self endured all of that pain right in the beginning of my life. But, hey,

Which brands? I have very sensitive that gets super oily, but then most mattifying lotions make my skin dry and flaky :( and lots of hormonal zits, garrrr :(

Which brands? I have very sensitive that gets super oily, but then most mattifying lotions make my skin dry and

Yup, had all 3.

Yeahh I would rock the blue jellies with socks look. I mean, I have rocked jellies and socks before, and just sandals and socks in general. Sorry, not sorry. When I was younger I used to wear legwarmers with sandals (yeah, not a great look) and my dad, who never ever had any comments on my fashion besides this,

Been using pull-out method alone (with boyfriends, not just casual scenario) my entire life and have never been pregnant. Maybe I’m infertile?

My actual name is Carmen and my Today name would be Esther...hm..and my 2000’s name would be...Litzy? Carmen must be..a very unpopular name!

OMG WHAT IS THIS GARBAGE? Why is he so auto-tuned? STAAAAHP ROD.

Glad my boyfriend wasn’t this way! His mother actually died of lung cancer when he was a baby so he really has an argument against smoking, but he fell in love with me anyway. After the first year I quit smoking to prove to him that I want to be in his life for the long run and be around for him and whatever future

Oh, The Stuff. Lololol forever. Such silly.

HOTELS!!!! This game came into my life in college — I picked up a mint condition 80’s edition at a thrift store and my friends and I would get hella stoned and play the shit out of some Hotels. It got really dramatic, lots of deals, and side deals....seriously when I talk about Hotels nobody (outside of the people i

Yeah so this season they went to...Las Vegas. At that point I knew this show was probs over.

I mean...I would eat french fries with chocolate sauce not as a dare...

Nooooooooooo I am dealing with bedbugs for the first time. First year in my apartment was fine. But I guess people with bugs moved in..or rats on the back porch? Or both? All I know is without having any visitors or taking any trips or buying any used furniture I suddenly have them. The exterminator has done two

Thanks! And I agree. I don’t think he is opposed to learning a trade, but it’s just about finding the right one. This gives me hope though! I wanna marry this guy and he has said he wants to feel more secure career-wise before that happens!

Ugh, that is so frustrating. I think my boyfriend should just do what he can without a degree. It’s not his fault he didn’t go to school. He was raised in an unsupportive environment and pushed to just get out of the house and work as soon as possible and now that he is finally ready to try school, there is no way for

This season suuuucked but I rewinded this part 4 or 5 times. So great.

How does this work for older students? Asking because my boyfriend is 30, both of his parents are dead and he makes less than $15,000 a year so he is looking to go back to school to expand his career opportunities.