I fucking love her so much. Just look at her freakin outfit. She's amazing.
I fucking love her so much. Just look at her freakin outfit. She's amazing.
@fayepop: I think it was the visibility issue. She kept talking about her friend who has a mickey mouse tat on her calf and thinks it's "sooo adorable but really it's TRASHY!"
@MissLouche: Every time I think of the "Jack Human" Tracy Morgan thing, I die a little. From the hilarity.
I got my first tattoo at 18, on the nape of my neck. My second was two years later, on my foot. Weirdly, my mom was fine with the first one - even liked it - but freaked the fuck out when I got the second one. She cried and said I looked trashy, that I was making stupid long-term decisions and only considering…
FUCK YES. my number uno seed from the beginning. cheesecake NEVER fails.
Sigh. I wanted this show to be so much better than what it turned out to be. But, I generally feel like this with EVERY show nowadays, so why do I still feel disappointed when it happens?
The brackets don't lie. I am firmly Team Pie, and, on top of that, a lifelong fanatical fan of Cheesecake. But, I must say, the Cake Champion Red Velvet did give me pause at the ballot. Red Velvet Cake is delicious. I can't think of a more deserving Cake champion.
@ImproperDancing: I miss my m8 :[ FB messaging/skype session soon? Please?
This morning I woke up at an un-godly hour to go to the required annual staff meeting at the restaurant where I work. We did stupid "team-building" activities and talked about dumb shit, then all voted on the Most Valuable Employee...and I WON! I totally did not see it coming! I'm only gonna be there another month…
@ottska: I definitely thought he was talking about himself too. Like, that his body was altered in some kind of "District 9" way, so he has special abilities, like firing alien weapons and inserting tampons into himself. What?
@Fetuseatus: Oh fuck yes.
DOWN WITH ICE CREAM CAKE. wtf people? carrot cake has CREAMCHEESEFROSTING. trump card.
@glammyme: love it!
I've only had two upsets. My bracket is holding up nicely. TEAM PIE IS TAKIN IT HOME BABY.
Dear Etsy,
@#c21052538: coloring fo sho.
EEEEEEE I'm going to California Pizza Kitchen for din tonight with my BFFFFFFFFFF I'm SO EXCITED FOR TEH NOMS.
@JennyDreadful: I'm not sure about the possibility for breakout, since everyone's skin is different and I'm not sure how yours would react. I don't know much about the specific ingredients.
I didn't even think to say this until someone mentioned they'd heard about it (but not tried it yet) downthread: Monistat anti-chafing powder gel is an excellent cheap alternative to foundation primer. For reals.