
They both bought property on White Feminist Island and don’t check their mail very often.

This is one of those Picture Worth a Thousand Word moments:

My boys very first awesome nanny posted a typically awesome meme recently along the lines of “real women have curves, real women don’t have curves, real women are real and don’t need these stupid sayings”. She will always be one of my favorite people.

Yeah, “gone awry” is a standout phrase here. Buddy, when your potential 3rd member of the train nopes out because what he’s seeing makes him need to think about your life choices.

You might want to fix your comment by replacing “Black” with “Rapist.” Because last I checked, I as a Black woman don’t support rapists of any color. End of story. Fuck Parker, his rapist co-writer and people who support either of them simply because they’re Black. There’s plenty of amazing media and art coming from

I, and many other Black women who enjoy supporting Black art and Black people, specifically don’t want to support this man because he’s a rapist, not because he’s Black, and now for the added reason that he made a great true story into a wildly historically inaccurate torture porn fest, complete with creepily added

“What it was like for well-intentioned slave owners.”

This is not Kim’s fault. You should be able to do whatever you want to do online without some asspieces breaking into your apartment and holding you at fucking gunpoint.

Stop. Being. Horrifying. Dicks. To. A. Victim.

All of me, heart and soul.

There’s a part of me that still has trouble believing that he is appealing to anyone. A large part of me.

The future will not look fondly of the time when the #1 rapper in the game got taken out by an ankle injury. Hell Bob Marley performed a night after getting shot! Imagine Tupac being like “Nah bruh can’t do the tour, ingrown toenail!” I feel like Drake’s career is a live retelling of CB4

Now playing

I am so happy the Megyn Kelly thing was on here, because goddamn was it perfect. And Kara perfectly summed up my feelings for Megyn- 99% of the time she is terrible, horrible, no-good, and very bad. But that other 1% is when she does things like this, and I can’t help but love her. Also, this:

See what happened there?

ABC, you pack of stupid twats. Don’t insult this woman by asking for neurological/memory tests.... UNLESS you’re also going to demand an entire of psychiatric examinations for Trump. Because I’ll eat somebody’s shorts if he doesn’t have a pack of personality disorders sloshing around in that barrel of brawling

Did no one else watch the 7 hours she was in front of the Senate committee on Benghazi? Regardless of if you think she was telling the truth/is an evil murderer/just don't like her- it is pretty clear that she is fully functioning, cognitively speaking. Compare that to say, Ronald Reagan, who was in the early stages

Please vote wisely with an eye towards a positive future, not one based on ignorance.

Wait, months of Trump’s bullshit and you still are unsure if a waving dick can influence voters? How much more evidence do you need?