The pink and green kitchen is like someone read my dreams. BEFORE I WAS ALIVE.
The pink and green kitchen is like someone read my dreams. BEFORE I WAS ALIVE.
I must have the pink and green kitchen. I also like the hobbit dining room, but as a living room.
The pink and green kitchen is amazing. I don’t care. It is. The hobbit dining room is a little more ... doubtful, but if you got rid of the stools and let your guests sit on the floor, it’s also not too bad.
this baby nero looks like he’d slit my throat to use my blood as rouge. no.
I really could have gone the rest of my life not knowing who this person was.
A story about Peter and Harry Brant from the comments of a 2012 Jezebel story about Peter (…), which I immediately thought of because the amount of utterly clueless privilege is just painful:
We shouldn’t mock. She clearly forgot her formal outfit and has shown ingenuity and perseverance by improvising using a swimsuit and the curtain from the shower in her hotel room.
She looks like she got dressed in the dark.
Shower curtain?
So many questions:
The little one in the third picture is one intense baby.
it’s math..... India’s population is over a billion. OF COURSE it’s a tiny fraction. Doesn’t make it right, but also doesn’t make it right to paint 1/8 of the entire world population with the same brush.
Who called anyone a taco bowl? Trump didn’t and the DNC certainly didn’t. Where is ou getting this
Wow. What a perfect embodiment of the kind of stawmen conservatives use when they rail against political correctness.
I don’t get the righteous indignation. I thought it was a blatant reference to Trump’s tweet about taco bowls. I don't think that the individual who was emailing about it was referring to humans as taco bowls at all- was Trump even doing so? From what I remember it was just an image of him eating a taco bowl on Cinco…
African Americans fought in WWII. They fought for a country that segregated them in the army and at home.
It could stand more diversity but other wise it is pretty damn good.
It’s the hypocrisy that gets me. They’re always screaming about private enterprise and there being too much regulation and how companies should be able to run themselves as they see fit but as soon as a private company makes a decision like this to censor hate speech, they lose their minds and start crying. What part…
Basically her statement boils down to, “I had no idea saying n**** was racist but since I said it we’re all pretty sure the n***** are going to try to kill me now, and maybe the other white people around me too, so the orange man said I should go home.”