
[Andrew Luck steps into frame in a clean Colts jersey]

Halloween costume for the family dog.

He’d get the snot beatified out of him, for sure.

Compared to who? I see football players freak out all the time, and baseball players are always fighting over some imaginary rulebook bullshit.

It can’t be okay when Mourinho does it, or when pundits rightly point out that provocation will be a career-long tactic for defenders facing players like Suárez and Mario Balotelli who’ve shown themselves susceptible to it, and at the same time be tantamount to treason when Costa attempts some of the same shenanigans

If Brees is out for an extended period of time, I know one QB on the free agent market who many already believe to be a Saint.

Please stop this lauding of this guys actions as some sort of evil genius, who is somehow just playing within some sort of shit stirring tradition. He is a jackass who managed to turn what should have been a competitive match into a clown show. This was not just bad sportsmanship this was bad entertainment.

When I find out someone is a Chelsea fan I always wonder why they didn’t find a more acceptable calling like child molester or KKK member.

...but their Week 2 loss came at the hands of the Jaguars, which is basically like losing four games in one.

No, what’s ridiculous is the idea that Russell’s God is the type of God that believes one team is more deserving of a win than another or that God “chose to give him the win.” What’s even more ridiculous is that a bible-touter like Wilson can’t recognize what’s wrong with that concept. It that’s your version of God,

You’re being intentionally obtuse just to be argumentative. Just stop. Stupidity isn’t a good color on anyone.

I do have access to God’s “To-Care” list, in fact. Sporting event outcomes are not on it. I’ll let you and all the Cardinals fans know if it gets updated.

Actually, Rodgers was being more sensible. He didn’t offer up the definitive statement that Wilson did - “That’s God setting it up...” with a statement allows for more nuance - “I don’t think God...” Wilson treated an assumption as fact, while Rodgers treated an assumption as an assumption.

No, my feeling is that Rodgers isn’t being “authoritative” as you say. Do you consider your coworkers’ opinion authoritative each time he/she says “I think”?

That’s not ridiculous. A logical person can have faith, but still be rational enough to understand that God doesn’t/shouldn’t care about who wins the World Series.

I like his run feints: “Here I come to save the nope just flying by I’ll punch someone next timeeeeeee.”

The first mobile device manufacturer to automatically orient their camera to landscape mode no matter how the device is being held will make a trillion dollars.

There’s so much going on here, but I really can’t stop laughing at how perfectly the Buffalo Wild Wings signage is framed throughout. Camera pans around it like it’s a level in Street Fighter.

I watch his show regularly (mostly because his diversity of guests are great) but I almost turned it off this week when he started in on his “okay, this kid wasn’t a threat but he could have been because Muslims” bullshit.

But I suppose telling me what the point I missed was would take far too much effort...