You've seen idiocracy right its for real were getting dummer
You've seen idiocracy right its for real were getting dummer
You have to be adventurous i rode in a schoolbus with a 5 speed and a split rear diff(2 speed) bus driver chewing a cigar the whole time. Once he ran through a flock of Guinea hens without a flinch. Long live the 70s
Should have an underbody camera so you can confirm you've run over peasants and not pheasants with this 2.5 ton pig.
ByKolles<mcpoyle ?
Skipping the read as the hummer is idiotic no matter how it moves. It a small penis bro ride. Nuff said.
Studs are great i wouldn’t make it out of my 1/2 mile driveway. Needed on the road maybe twice per year. But the glory of passing the unprepared in the bushes is so satisfying.
So more buttons on the steering wheel?
I can respect that subaru. New ones not so much.
The wagon stayed on the island after filming driven in the 4th of july parade by owner. Film co had it bodyshopped and painted in trade for use
We deserve another f n f like a hole in the scrotum. Even if it ladies blowing trannies.
Son put gas in my diesel vw. Used a vac pump clean it out filled it up. Cost zero. Insurance and dealerships are poison.
Used to shoplift beef jerky from pearl st. Gas station back in the old days.
Thought it was a lady
Because its as fugly as a hummer. Maybe a 2 door with a stickshift then i might like it. Wht the f%u&c÷k does every truck need 4 doors??? I play spot the worktruck when i drive by the dealership.
Ok melinial
How do they handle with directional tires,crabwalk?