Stelios Chron

I am halfway through The Office's Season 8. I thought of devoting myself to it to finish it faster, so I haven't seen any movie since last Sunday. I also got rejected by a girl i have a huge crush on, so i wasn't in a mood for watching a movie/i needed to watch something funny.

I watched the 6th season of The Office and I am halfway through the 7th one.

Watched the first 2 episodes of Jessica Jones. Will watch the rest of the season, but I have to say I am not that interested yet. B+ for the first and B- for the second.

Every iZombie episode of season 2. I find that this show constantlykeeps getting better and better.

The quiz from the one with the embryos is, imo, the best "Friends" scene ever.

I was gonna write the horse from the Sopranos but damn, they had to remind me the poor dog from Futurama… *sniff*

Batman: Arkham Knight as of now. I am also waiting for MGS5 and the new Hitman but I don't think either one will replace Batman. It is so damn awesome driving the Batmobile. I also want to play the Mad Max game though I don't think it is going to be anything more than a 7/10-7.5/10

Well, it is still better than the first episode of the third season of Sherlock.

What the hell? Is NBC the new FOX? First Community, then Constantine and now this?

So, Constantine getting picked up by the CW is completely off the table? I mean, Constantine's number are higher than the CW shows, so it would make sense for the network to pick it up (even if half of the viewers don't continue to watch, it will stil get new ones). And it's not like CW doesn't have the space. It just

I am not saying he doesn't see himself in the boy. That is obvious. I am just pointing out another reason to correct him, which I find possible. Just a thought, that's all.

I believe that Don correcting the kid (dont remember its name) was meant to highlight the difference between the two. Both are hustlers, but Don KNEW how to be a hustler. He built his whole life on secrets. The kid isn't able to express himself using the right words, let alone stil some money without anyone noticing.