@raysfamous: awesome, i want one :)
@raysfamous: awesome, i want one :)
@Captain Fish, PhD (c): :)) yeah when you say it that way :)
Nerdy. But not really practical. Why cant these companies get it. We do things FASTER and with less energy when we move the freeking mouse with just our wrist, not our entire body damni it. I dont care for 1000 hand gestures an hour to get something done. Touch tech is not for everything.
@coolbho3000: How can you compare Epic Citadel with angry birds. Birds are a simple 2d game with no special features. Epic is freeking epic 3D game. Naturaly it wont work so well on older iphones. But yeah, if a developer says Fragmentation is the reason its no good. People that don't develop games usually have the…
@coolbho3000: really? Angry Birds is freaking 3D and so heavy on older hardware. What? The game is small and really lightweight. Fragmentation is a solid point. Because it real.
@Rakkoon: i like the way you think. good post.
I love cool inventions... but.. what are these for anyway...?
@zanella: Its never that simple.
@Sjenkins7000: Suck it up? Why do we need to suck it up? We dont. Becouse of possible terrorist attacks? There are other ways to do things. Privacy needs to be respected. If we loose that we loose everything.
..this news changed my life forever... all over again... yeah Steve thanx.
I still think we are over hyping this Social network thing. I really really don't want to know what my friends are doing. If i did i would just call them and talk to them. Why do i care about pointless status updates of my friends. I mean we really don't care about all that info about our friends in real life. Why…
@verspasian: we need mac wheel for reall work and not just dic**** around :))))
yeah, its so much better to move my finger around in some motion that i need to remember then to find a damn letter G on my Andro keyboard and.... press it!...
I got two problem with it. You cant move your characters. I mean you cant walk forward, backward, jump and so on, as you can with a controler.
To bad only Ass***** go to politics and Ass***** write laws that force us to live one way or the other. And smart and good kids dont go to politics. I mean Tech lows are written by people who have no idea about tech. Why aren't some of you guys in politics writing laws? At least you know what your talking about.
@emmersonmartin: you mean Ip 4 looks like Viewty?
That looks like what happened on the moon. Maybe the inhabitants test-nuked-themselves to death.
awww puppy...
@fleanine: :)))
Totaly agree. I tryed Htc trophy and i wasnt impressed. Its just, different. In 2 years or so, it will be amazing.