
@Liam: Is it just me or did Giz piss all over Apple in some posts, then it pissed on Micro, than it praised them both. And i kinda agree. Win phone 7 is not that great right now. Its just new, and different.

@thatdecade: No i mean why is a Gizmodo AD on Gizmodo Site? I know about Gizmodo, am on Gizmodo... why the hell do i need to look at this Add... Give me some other Add please... :))

Why is THIS IS GIZMODO Video on every bloody page?!


Can the Kids eat Apples?

Dude you need to make this film. :)

@Odin: Well am a Marketing manager and designer, and my clients usualy bring work on cd.-s and dvd-s. And its totaly not cool tellig them to bring materials on a stick just becouse i own Air :))

Fullscreen?! i woke up and rushed over to Gizmodo to get Fullscreen?.. am going back to bed Steave....

I cant work on the go without my dvd drive.. seriously. Macbook pro is PORTABLE as well! Am i wrong? This thing is just slightly smaller. And.. what can you actually see on such a small scree. It makes no sense to me really.

@GoreBurnelli: your really obsessed over the star issue man.. get over it. The dude has a frikin star.. deal with it. :)

I will never understand Tech geeks hating new products, posting pics of dead Lions and other childish s***. Be it Apple or Microsoft. Jesus, whatever. Its new, its interesting, buy it or dont. Its that simple.

I think my mom will buy Xbox and Kinect now. People that watch Oprah are totally in to Games.

@Interstella5555: Missed demographic? People who are interested in Game Tech dont watch oprah. It was really pointless.

Dear god nothing is real anymore.. everything is a marketing skit.. am shocked and bored at the same time.


I love RPG game names- Sword and Honor, Sword and Shadow, Throne and Bone, Legacy of Legend... - jesus who makes this names up :)))