
I lived and breathed NPR when I was just little (which meant I liked jazz by age 8… go figure), and Car Talk was by far the most anticipated show of the week for me. That remained the case all the way up to 2012 (and I still usually catch the best-ofs that run now).


That last paragraph sums up precisely what my problem with Korn was in high school… didn't hate the band, hated the endless daddy issues and sophomore-girl-poetry lyrics.

I find that the experimental Radiohead stuff is more interesting than the straight-ahead stuff… without the experimentation, it just sounds like croony sad-bastard music to me, and I have little patience for that shit.

An awful lot of that lack of regard toward education also has to do with the fact that the Roma are often given sub-standard education or wrangled in with special-needs schools, particularly in eastern Europe. Going to school also isn't immediately paying the bills or putting food on the table- sure, it *may* pay off

"In actual fact, the relationship is the other way round: Roma culture
has always seen all outsiders as 'prey', and they see crimes against
outsiders as morally just."

That lack of hostility toward the Roma in the US often has to do with passing oneself off as Hispanic or some other ethnicity rather than pure tolerance. I'm Romani and an awful lot of my family (some of whom are still nomadic) have last names like Martinez or Gomez even though we're originally from Romania and

Sure, Gawker doesn't do theater reviews. But it *is* chockablock with petty bitchery on the daily.

I've killed four laptops in the last 6 years with my electro-powers. It's getting old. And expensive.

It's like Psych- only that guy's a fake.

"Seventh nipple I've seen today."

Oh yeah- endless coffee, cute waitresses, hot sausage hoagies… then they went and moved it ('08 or '09, I think). I went up to meet a friend after he got back from the Med a couple of years ago, and it was just an empty lot. I guess the closest thing would be the truck-stop in Preston, but it's no Rosie's, for sure.

I was in BESS in '99-'00, eating almost every meal at Rosie's Diner (RIP)- I tried valiantly to convince my room-mate that The Fragile was a better album for a million reasons, but it was wall-to-wall rap-metal there for a second. Then when White Pony came out, I managed to shift him in that direction by playing "Back

BESS or A-School?
I was going through late enough that my room mate wouldn't let Limp Bizkit go, till his copy "mysteriously" went sailing out the window one day.

Art Alexakis and Jonathan Davis both. I thought KORN was the greatest thing ever when I was about thirteen, until I realized Davis was a GROWN-ASS MAN STILL WHINING ABOUT HIS DAD. My goodwill kind of evaporated at that point.
