
He's got a lot more control now. I feel like he's spent the last seventeen years trying to master his style, and he's a lot better live than he used to be.

The Deftones. I've seen them seven times now, once every tour since White Pony (twice for Gore), and I'm of the opinion that they only have gotten better.

Camp Nobodyaskeddidthey

Yeah. Forget fat, try being Romani; people who have never even seen any suddenly got jokes about Gypsy curses almost every damn time. Or else they think that owning a sack dress and a crystal makes them a "gypsy in spirit". And you probably shouldn't go to Europe and be open about your ethnicity in a lot of places

He could be. But I almost guarantee he won't be.

So… Tom's no longer a gay man, but a badass with a shitload of guns? …oh.

M-O-O-N, that spells Tom Cullen. Laws yes!

Morrissey… and then there's, um, Morrissey… and that rounds out the list.

Wonder if Fabrice Fabrice catered…

Wait, where in the linked article does it talk about the album being "potentially not very good"? Or is that intentionally misleading?

Well, if it's vestigial, you're probably in the clear- they probably aren't still a thing, they maybe had 2 fans that weren't significant others and/or relatives, and losing a lawsuit to the erstwhile members of Pity Party Hearty or Da Kunnyng Lyngwysts or whatever would probably just mean you'd have to change the

"The Demiurge"… I think it was the first episode of the second season.

He sings like the words are being pumped out of him with a faulty fireplace bellows.

I don't think so either… he just didn't understand what was and wasn't appropriate behavior, and what he though was appropriate looked weird enough that people misconstrued it or tried to misrepresent it for money.

Oh yeah, Leonard Cohen. Hate Leonard Cohen.

The Proposition soundtrack's absolutely amazing.

Actor's the only one I really liked… not a theater kid, though.

Prefuse73 and RJD2 also.

Ah yes… Cry-ou.

I've gotten the opportunity this past week to yell (at my boss) "stay away from my special- from my fucking lady friend, man!" (he was being a dick and she was taking it particularly hard that day; he laughed and mellowed out and I didn't end up getting fired after all).