
Or from some restroom in Texas.

Great question.

Who the hell is Rawling? Rowling. Get it right. The first I mistook as a typo, the second was just too much to be coincidence.

Great question. Gizmodo should do less talking about iPads and more working around to get their site implemented on it!

Things truly have changed.

"Hey Neighboor, can I borrow your lawn-mower," asked steve.

I'm still waiting for my Netflix and Facebook Kinect Hub apps so I can scream "Xbox NETFLIX!" without moving a muscle.

What's next? A Nintendo Phone that can be used as a Wiimote? Wait, now that would at least be surprising from Nintendo's part. This isn't.

@Juan Carlos: Brozo is one of the most over-reacting Mexican commentators. He's been like that for years. He even had a show where he was "concieved" and popularized where he would give his opinion on many issues—for Mexico, this is normal Brozo, actually, too normal.

Actual translation (from an actual Mexican)

I only buy cables from MonoPrice. Amazing site.