I have no porpoise

Oh God, indeed.

So dumb. +55

The only reason he joined Twitter is because someone told him he could block people.

I think he has the right idea, just the wrong words. And I think people are just trying to point him out on some of it.

This is fucking stupid internet drama. That there is even drama over the fact that they won’t fly someone out to cosplay for their show is fucking stupid. WTF? Is this a thing now? Hiring remote cosplayers? Dafaq?

Bill Simmons just came in his pants. He’s probably already written 4 episodes of AGW about the conspiracy.

I really thought this was going to be a “football won’t exist in 30 years” take, but you somehow made it all about yourself. I applaud that.

And for all these years, I was sure it was Kiki Vandeweghe...

You are all so brave

Of course it’s the same meteorologist- that’s his point. It was a gag. They didn’t get any emails about her dress, which is why she didn’t wear the sweater for any other segments outside of the bit.

Wow. I love when gawker gets all hot and bothered too quickly about an issue. They’re adorable.

Um, how can it be a sweep if women didn't win all the awards? I promise I'm not being snarky; I'm just confused. :-(

Then state them in a reasonable manner taking into account that there’s far more than genetics at play here before you decide to proclaim anyone critical of you needs to go back to high school.

No I fully understand the biological implications of what you’re saying. Yes, you can age out of effective birth age.

so you’re saying if you wait til your 40 to produce a child, you’re some pathetic waste?

Nah, I'm right.

It took me one read to get your wife’s sense of humor and, yet, you haven’t. Dude, she’s poking you at 4:44 to wake you up and fuck with your mind.

Fast travel pretty much defeats the entire purpose of survival mode. Get hungry, thirsty, sick, or tired... just teleport to home and fix it all then teleport back to where you were.

C'mon guys, get your facts right. It wasn't a reactor; the radioactive material in it functioned as a neutron source for neutron activation analysis (the "check materials for impurities" purpose mentioned in the article) and radiography testing. Even in the case of exposure to the Californium-252 that was left in the

We're talking three and a half pounds here. Assuming you got your hands on it, and you had a team of experienced particle physicists at your disposal, and machine tools capable of infinite precision, and you built a very complex implosion-type bomb, you would need about a dozen more of these to achieve criticality.