
Again, having a second grade level of reading comprehension would do you wonders. If you are attacked by someone with fists and you have a gun legally then yes you can shoot that guy. That is within your rights as an american. So right there you’re wrong, again. A cop is trained to deescalate yes. How should a cop

He is made a martyr for this cause which isn’t right. There have been so many incidents this year alone, why bring up a situation where it wasn’t an innocent black guy minding his business?

Yea your reading comprehension needs some work, pal. If you fight a cop and hit him with punches, then the cop will respond. If he responds with shooting i can’t sit here and say what an awful cop he is. My advice to you is never start a fight with someone who legally carries a gun, it’s like walking into a bulls pen

Lynch, like many others, still bring up cops shooting unarmed black men while their hands are raised. I havn’t heard of any other cases besides michael browns where that was an issue. In the michael brown case, the “witnesses” who said he got shot while his hands were raised all recounted. No one heard once from

They didn’t test for tylenol or sudafed you dope. They clearly stated at that time it was to get a read on how many players were juicing. So go ahead and continue to deny he took steroids and deny the truth

If you fight a cop that cop will use whatever force necessary to fight back. Whether that be with a nightstick, taser or gun. Guess why i don’t give a shit whether a cop uses his gun or taser when getting beat up? Because i will never be that idiot who tries fighting a cop. Did he deserve to die for fighting a cop?

Yea except he wasn’t executed by the police, he fought a cop. A lot of times you will get shot for that. So again, lets use an example where someone was executed by the police. There are plenty

Def tl;dr. Point is he failed a drug test, not a test seeing how much sugar was in his system. You could write fifty more paragraphs and it won’t change the fact that the mlb tested for banned substances and big papis name came up. Don’t lie and try to distort facts, just admit he failed

Kaep started a great conversation that needs to be had. Can we stop using michael brown as an example? He didn’t have his hands up, he committed strong arm robbery and fought the responding officer. There are so many other examples where injustices occurred

The entire goal of your argument is profoundly stupid. That or you’re being sarcastic. The better the scheme works the faster you score a lot of points, which at first may tire your d a little. But then with a cushy lead you can slow the game down. Which he has done before. And yes when that scheme doesn’t work the

Look up, see that? Thats the joke you missed, next time bud

The defense will be able to rest when the scheme is run well. Again like many have said its not perfect. But if you have a QB who can read those plays as theyre forming and make the right choice its almost unstoppable. And if it is unstoppable then you score a lot of points early and coast to a victory. Second half

That was more of a mic slam than a mic drop. Well said

Chip kelly the coach is laughable garbage. But the scheme isn’t terrible, it did get very stale the last year in philly but he had the power to bring in statue sammy sleeves

It can be done

I totally agree with that. I’m trying to say that while you and I have never served, supporting our troops is something we should willingly do. And anyone disrespecting our troops or bashing them deserves to be confronted about it. Kaep is not included there. I’m not saying kaep is disrespectful or should be bashed.

Dude, please. I’m from philly and have first hand witnessed almost every type of person get into heroin. And one thing they all have in common is if they got their shit together they wouldn’t be drug addicts. The mental issue argument is pretty weak, there are tons of drug addicts who don’t have some mental problem

Yea i dont see how anything the police force did is even fucking close to what his parents have put him through. But i wont mind people bitching about the kids safety and well being, which imo is not affected by this at all. Also, fuck these scumbag parents. I dont care one bit if theyre embarrassed. Get your shit

Well everyone should support the troops, they are who give us our freedom with their life. It would be incredibly ungrateful not to. But like many have said this isnt about them, so all the people bringing up the troops are full of it. Still, everyone should support the troops