
Living his/the dream. But, he did coach at a HBCU. How many ex-professional athletes are coaching at HBCUs? Bonzi is one and there are a few more.

Multi-national corporations are the new (not so new), great colonizers, using the U.S./NATO militaries and the IMF as the enforcers.

racism is not fictional - only in the twilight zone - and; even within the zone, it is ‘not’ fictional, but rather interwoven in the depths and mixture of sound, sight and mind - the very basic cause of her blathering.

the tragic mulatto

She still doesn’t know.

IMO, ever Black person should read Stokely Carmichael’s Black Power speech from 1966.

Casteded. Fixed it.

it’s not just corporate america, but america, has profited, and will continue to profit, off black people from chattel slavery; jim crow/apartheid; civil rights/desegregation/equal rights and up to and including present day america; and, it looks like profiting will continue in the future.   just don’t mention

since their team is all white, why not use a white head as a mascot. keep it all white — unless it’s a jim crow era thing.

the world is a ghetto.  war 1972.  

up until fdr, black soldiers fought in segregated wars. black soldiers were often treated worse than the enemy.  some have often spoken of black soldiers as cannon fodder. hope he doesn’t run into any of that, especially after reading that some african students are having a tough time trying to leave.

Sigh..I’ll never be liked on this site but here goes:

Notice nobody is out there calling for defunding the military industrial complex though eh?

you said it much better than i could. this incident with whoopi somehow made me think of sammy davis jr and his decision to convert to judaism. it did not go well for him. i read the jewish community did not/would not fully accept him.

As a Jew, I find many Jews like many Blacks, too sensitive to be capable to have open and adult discussions with. They use emotion to force to shut down dialogue, which does not make people agree with you or help society grow in unity. Instead, it fosters bitterness. Whoopi is entitled to her belief, although all

how did these folks learn about slavery since we are being told on a daily basis that the history of slavery is not being taught in school and if it were taught in school, it would make the white kids feel bad and ashamed of what their ancestors did. articles like this demonstrate white kids know about slavery and

you like who you like

I realize that we have inflation but a half-dollar isn’t a quarter.

maya angelou will be on the 2022 quarter.  i know why the caged bird sings has been banned.  still i rise.  

Sheesh, these days it seems everyone is exploiting black dysfunction and black suffering for fame and profit. Even folks who seem to be distancing themselves from the black community in their social lives.