
If they touch Le Batard I am gonna riot

I’m an actual marlins fan, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un could buy the Marlins and I would just be happy its not Loria anymore

What should I make for dinner? My meats on hand are chicken breast and deer in steak, hamburger, and bratwurst form

Who in the Deadspin staff actually played sports at some point? Not calling you wimps just think the mix of athletes and non athletes in sportswriting is interesting

Are there any nfl rivalries that even matter anymore?

What is the worst 30 for 30 you’ve seen? My vote is the “April 22, 1991" or whatever one about the OJ chase and World Series with no talking

How is Les Miles still unemployed? I mean there has to be something out there

That would require Atlanta caring about sports

As someone who lives in Alabama and does go to Atlanta whenever I want to experience “the big city” I can confirm the peach tree bit is indeed accurate.