
How far did you get into the series?

Much of the terrible portrayal of women was internal dialogue. If you cut that out, and supply alternative reasons for people acting the way they did, it wouldn’t be so much a terrible portrayal of women as a portrayal of some few terrible women.

I’m not sure. GoT’s quality has dropped off a cliff in the fifth season and it’s not looking much better this year. People are also getting bored with the sexual violence and other elements getting in the way of the story. WoT has some adult content, but it’s not as dominant as in GoT and there’s some potentially

Once edited to remove all the meanderings, WoT would make an incredible rival to Game of Thrones.

And half that padding is just incredibly detailed descriptions of environments, outfits and characters - which is not something that takes up plot time on screen.

I’m not sure how they’ll be able to make this work. I LOVE the series, I like it more than ASOIAF, but we’re talking huge casts, sprawling design, a lot of magic, and epic sweeping storylines that GoT’s budget has only been able to hint at once with the Hardhome battle. And I watched “Winter’s Dragon.” That was

Yes? Have you? The series definitely has its issues, but like I said, if it’s adapted right, it can be a rival to GoT. By adapted, I don’t mean shot scene for scene. There would need to be a cleansing the likes of which have not been seen since Winter’s Heart. It would require actual rewriting, and reordering, and

Agreed. Cut out the bad stuff (of which there is very little), remove the HUGE amount of irrelevant padding from the middle books and it’s pretty much gold.

Adapted right, this could absolutely rival GoT.

Hope it actually is made as an animated series. I think that’d be the only way to do it justice.

Blood and bloody ashes people! Light burn you if this doesn’t happen!