Mitch Kelleher

It’s the car they* didnt want you** to have.

am I the only 1 who prefer 2-door coupe ??

Also, it’s absolutely mind boggling how much longer your clothes will last if you line dry them. So not only is it free, and really only takes about 10 minutes a load to hang, you save money on clothes as well. 

I realise it’s not an option for apartment dwellers and people cursed with eternal rain, but nobody’s mentioned the most ecologically responsible dryer - a damn washing line. How much needless CO2 emission is caused by the HOAs that ban them?


Driver distracted trying unsuccessfully to find his penis.

Nothing, it’s just hurr-durr driverbro shitting on other peoples’ hard and well-meaning work for clicks.

I for one loved automatic seatbelts, at least as a novelty. That said, it was very easy to forget to do the lap belt up.

How soon before a Neuralink is required to keep using those features? 

“Valentine is now facing four criminal charges – including burglary and receiving stolen property, according to the New York Post. He remains at Waukesha Country Jail on $50,000 bond. So far, Valentine is the only suspect who has been caught. The eight others remain on the loose.”

My son, who is a neuroscience student heading to med school, is freaking out about this. The words irresponsible idiocy have come out of his mouth more than once. Implants are coming, but Elon’s playing fast and loose with lives...

I’m sure it is just as well tested as Autopilot or FSD.

yet we can’t have cool actually proven safety items like the Volvo headlights mentioned in an earlier article today. But yeah, test that self driving shit on public roads with your beta testers you call customers. 

That Chevy should require a CDL to operate.

This is one of my biggest fears.

Another thing that shouldn’t be an issue, but will require Ferraris and Mitsubishi Mirages to be fitted with forward looking cameras and sensors. And so, the benefits of not buying an SUV are whittled away even further.

I hate when people say stuff like, “What is MTA doing about this?” What do you want them to do about it? Post signs everywhere stating sex on top of trains is prohibited? Install cameras on the roofs of trains so operators always have a live view of their trains on top of everything else? Put electrified, barbed wire

In this case, the bark WAS worse than the bite.

Truck owners usually like to brag about what their truck can DO, like drive through a two foot deep stream in the woods not having shield it from routine weather.