Mitch Kelleher

the irony of buying something off the shelf, because they want to be “non-conformist”

Dealerships will be the death of good cars.

Weird. Normal people don’t want to buy a $50k car with 7% interest rates, tech that’s outdated faster than a modern smartphone, a business model that’s constantly pushing microservices, and tracks all your movements with no way to opt out or find out where that information is going?

Its time legislation caught up with reality and make ALL personal data collection and transmission opt in. At the very least in industries that are already regulated.

This is why I yanked the fuse that powers the Data Collector Module in my Tacoma the moment I got it home from the dealership. Doing so disabled the Bluetooth microphone in the truck, immediately justifying my decision.

No benefit is worth giving up my privacy.

Ok, it’s fun to bag on Allen for myriad reasons, but the whole “Tim Allen was a rat” thing is the weirdest most performative faux tough guy shit that gets pulled out from time to time.

He did have something to do with turning Bryan into a child star, which is historically a corrupting factor.”

So he is just another conservative bro beating his trad wife and libertarian-ing himself into a crypto scam. Dime a dozen MAGAs. 

His post-Home Improvement career includes producing movies, making it big with bitcoin, and providing commentary for conservative outlets. But he’s also faced legal trouble, having faced charges of domestic violence and driving under the influence and accusations of duping investors into a crypto scam.

Am I the only one who feels visiting the wreck of the Titanic is a bit ghoulish?

Yeah like what 3 years ago peak pandemic, sure, it was a bitch to get hand sanitizer, now.... your just looking to catch some guy fucking, well ask and you shall receive.  

I agree with this 1000%. It seems like the sanitizer is some sort of excuse to monitor park bathrooms.

Kick Knack Paddy Whack...

Steam is the name of the dog you silly goose

same here.




I’m not even an engie and I anticipated it. (Though I did study engineering briefly)

No, that’s pretty much what I expected