Mitch Kelleher

RS. The Ecoboost 2.0 has a different coolant burning issue unrelated to the head gasket, the exact nature of which I haven’t been able to find, but the TSB recommends entire engine replacement when the chronic mystery of the missing coolant eventually manifests in a rolling smoke screen.

While I find the profligate waste disgusting, that’s actually pretty damn good compared to the underpowered 4 that doesn’t do much better, if not necessarily surprising considering the 4 will be under a higher load any time it wasn’t idling and would require a shorter ratio gearbox for those squirrel legs to have any

I think it was Ryan Air that tried to get standing room approved a little while ago, but it got shot down.

Disegno di Spirograph.

I’m even thinking of getting a trailer for my kayaks since the GR won’t handle a roof rack (or at least I’m not willing to try). I expect to hear a lot of dumb comments from dull people about how I should have a truck. Funny thing with that, though, is that I was considering a Maverick when the ST blew up, but then

I just finished fitting a 2" Gen 1 stealth hitch (completely hidden when desired) on my Gen 2 (took some modification as they’re not quite the same, but the bumper beam is the same part number between gens, so I thought it would be simple) and the Kuat hitch rack is more solid than when it was on my ST, so this is the

That’s less than 1% of the weight of a typical EV. I’m sure there are smarter, more sustainable ways to save weight.

This is fiberglass, which is infrequently recycled and it is a messy process. As a small component on a vehicle made up of a myriad of materials that need to be separated, it will either be expensive to recycle or not done (guess which one it will be) whereas the old steel springs that have an extremely low failure

I doubt that cat will be OK—these degenerates probably fucked it before they hanged it.

Breathalyzer to treat everyone like a criminal? And that doesn’t do shit for all the skunk-ass sucking pot junkies I smell driving wherever I go, never mind other drugs. Even with acute PTSD, I never did a drug in my fucking life and I hardly ever drank, definitely not before driving, so I’d prefer not to not only be

Yes, but it still falls out from the gaps between the tailgate and body or wherever else it had fallen on the vehicle outside of the bed where nobody ever bothers to clean it off or gets thrown out from where it had been stuck in the tire treads. Plus the tarps I’ve seen are just roll out screens mounted to the front

I think it’s more about the need to belong to a group in lieu of their own identity (as with most me-too “Stage X” canned-mod vehicles, be it performance cars or bro trucks).

I started to take flight lessons in these flying shitboxes and found it entirely underwhelming an experience considering the cost, time, and uselessness of a license (I wouldn’t own a plane, so I’d have to rent one and . . . do what with it? Fly in a circle and come back? Whoopie. Am I really going to use it as a trans

I am the asshole and I don’t care, but I don’t think you are in this case, especially where dump truck drivers are consistently the absolute worst drivers on the road even when they’re not bouncing gravel all the fuck over the highways (I realize that’s not necessarily their fault, but fuck them, anyway)—either

If history is a guide, under right wing regimes, you call them dead or camp prisoners.

That’s a 250 GTO followed by a Cobra. The GTO had two body styles, most of which were the fastback, but the last handful GTO ‘64" were this flying buttress design resembling the 250 LM. If you’re going to call someone out like you know, you should probably know.

There used to be something similar running around Boston—even on the highway—but I haven’t seen it in years. That one had some goofy fake waves painted on the hull. This one looks cooler.

They were sold into a highly speculative market, were the fastest car in the world at the time, and thought by many to be the last gasp of the RWD muscle cars that would never be seen again as GM moved to FWD shitboxes, so even back then they were known for being bought by speculators to never be driven. I always

If they’re going to go full steer-by-wire (if it’s even legal) and ignore the potential major safety issues because they really want to force an ergonomically inferior control in imitation of another company run by an emotionally stunted dork, at least go with a control stick like a fighter plane, not something that

I would be surprised if the Integra could outhandle the ST in the real world unless the ST was driven by an idiot, but then the ST is out of production, a run that started about 10 years ago on a platform that’s even older. I would think Honda could do something a little better in a more modern platform for the price